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A general forum for any subject. This is a good place to ask and learn about general affairs of Islaam.
You can post questions and articles in relation to the affairs of the Salafi Aqidah and what opposes it.
You can post questions and articles in relation to the affairs of the Salafi Methodology and what opposes it.
This forum can be used to advertise forthcoming links with scholars, conferences and events.
Here you can learn about the rulings concerning affairs of worship (ibaadah) and dealings (mu'aamalah) from the Book and the Sunnah.
Here you can learn about purification of the soul, nurturing oneself upon the Islamic manners, and general improvement of one's deen
Discuss and post materials about the Takfiris, Kharijites, Extremists and Terrorists
This section is for the discussion of innovations in beliefs, worship, and methodologies, and the deviant sects.
Information and resources in giving direction and guidance to students engaged in seeking knowledge of the deen of Islaam and the Sunnah.
Everything pertaining to Ramadhaan, its rulings, and gaining the most benefit from it.
Post questions and materials regarding the Qur'an and its sciences.
Post materials, information and questions regarding the Hadith and its sciences.
Post information and discuss biographies of the Salaf, the Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah and Islamic history.
Post and discuss about issues concerning family life, children and society in general.
Post and discuss matters related to food, health and illness.
Post information related to Hijrah and employment opportunities in the Muslim lands.
Information and resources on Hajj and Umrah packages.
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Most users ever online was 35,370, 12-24-2024 at 08:56 AM.
Welcome to our newest member, Junaide.Bowers
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