
Type: Posts; User: S.bint.Ahmed

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  1. Replies

    Wa 'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu...

    Wa 'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu

    Search on these sites:

    Specifically for beginners
  2. Shaykh Muhammed al-Anjaree: 'How we look to Gaza' Summarised points

    Live translation and tweets from*.

    Monday 14 Dhul Qa’da 1435 [8 Sept 2014]

    'How we look to Gaza"

    By Shaykh Mohammad Alanjari
  3. Explanation of Surah Al-Qamar by Moosa Richardson starts 23 August 2014/ 28 Shawwal 1435

    Posted From:

    Tafseer Juz’ Thariyaat – Surah 54 Al-Qamar

    Lesson 01: | Surah 55 Al-Qamar verses | Date: Saturday 28...
  4. SP Birmingham Conference 15-17 August 2014/ 18-20 Shawaal 1435 Timetable link

    SP Birmingham Conference Timetable link
  5. King ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abdul Aziz Saud addresses Islamic, Arab nations, international community

    King ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abdul Aziz Saud

    Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques addresses Islamic, Arab nations, international community

    Jeddah, Shawwal 5, 1435, Aug 1, 2014, SPA –

    Custodian of...
  6. Replies

    Beauty and Ugliness

    Beauty & Ugliness

    Compiled & Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya

    o Beauty is Apparent on the Righteous

    Shaykh ul-Islaam Ahmad bin AbdulHaleem Ibn Taymeeyah (d.728 A.H.) -Rahimullaah- said:
  7. Replies

    More beneficial links ...

    More beneficial links

    Below is the link to the contents page with many beneficial questions and answers
  8. Is it allowed to pray the Taraaweeh prayer and the Tahajud prayer in the nights of Ramadhaan? - Shaykh Zayd ibn Hadee al Madkhalee (hafidhah ullaah)

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Is it allowed to pray the Taraaweeh prayer and the Tahajud prayer in the nights of Ramadhaan?

    From the Tele-link lecture “Beacons of Light” with Markaz as Salafi...
  9. 11th Islaamic Conference by SP (Madeenah KSA): Shaykh Muhammed bin Hadee al-Madkhalee:Unity, Brotherhood, Truthfulness, Humility and Gentleness

    11th Islaamic Conference by Salafi Publications Rajab 1435/2014 Madeenah KSA

    Shaykh Muhammed bin Hadee al-Madkhalee (hafidhah ullaah):
    Unity, Brotherhood,Truthfulness, Humility and Gentleness. ...
  10. 11th Islaamic Conference by SP (Madeenah KSA): Shaykh Abdullaah Bukhari on the Hadeeth of 'Irbaad ibn Sariyah(RadiAllaahu anhu)

    11th Islaamic Conference by Salafi Publications May 1435/2014 Madeenah KSA

    Shaykh Abdullaah Bukhari (hafidhah ullaah): Explanation of the Hadeeth of al-‘Irbaad ibn Sariyah

  11. 11th Islaamic Conference by SP (Madeenah KSA) : Shaykh Arafat al-Muhammedi: Tahdheeb al-Seerah, biography of the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Lesson 1: Shaykh Arafat al-Muhammedi: Tahdheeb al-Seerah, biography of the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).

    By Imaam al-Nawawi extracted from Tahdheeb al-Asmaa...
  12. Weekly Question and Answer: Allaamah Shaykh Ubayd al Jabiree on and

    Weekly Questions and Answers with Allaamah Shaykh Ubayd al Jabiree

    Every Friday at 11pm Makkah time (inshaaAllaah)
    Questions asked by Shaykh Muhammed al Anjari to Shaykh Ubayd (hafidhahumma...
  13. Shaikh Abdullaah an Najmi (hafidhah ullaah's) short Biography of Shaikh Zayd al Madkhalee (rahimah ullaah)

    Yesterday, evening in place of his usual lesson Shaykh Abdullaah al Najmi (hafidah ullaah) (of Jizan Saudi Arabia) gave a short biography of Shaykh Zayd ibn Muhammed al Madkhalee (rahimah ullaah).
  14. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله...

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    الحمد لله Alhumduillaah.

    We thank you in order to be thankful to Allaah.

    JazakAllaahu khairun to all those involved for such a beneficial weekend full of benefits and...
  15. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Washing and...

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Washing and Shrouding of the Dead.

    Information taken from Book Funeral Regulations and Exhortations:
    (Details in Chapters 5 and 6 with proofs from the Sunnah)
  16. Miraath Net:Dawrah/Course with Scholars in Madeenah:20th Shawwal 1433-3rd Dhul Qadah 1433- 7th - 19th September 2012 inshaAllaah

    Link for schedule:

    A two week dawrah/ course with the scholars at Masjid Bani Salama (commonly known as Masjid Qiblatain) in Madeenah an Nabaweeyah.
  17. Shaikh Rabee and Ubaid (Hafidhumma Ullaah) Lessons in Ramadaan and Last 10 nights.

    Shaikh Rabee (hafidha ullaah) has a daily sitting at 6pm Makkah Time

    'Reading of the Qur'aan with benefits from the tafseer of Ibn Katheer (rahimah ullaah)'.

    Shaikh Ubaid (hafidhah ullah)...
  18. Miraath Net:Live Daily Lessons during Ramadaan 1433/ 2012

    Live Daily Lessons during the Month of Ramadaan


    Live Lessons by;

    Shaikh Muhammed bin Hadi al Madkhalee (hafidah ullaah)
  19. Replies

    Miraath Net: Summer Dawrah 1433/2012

    Link for timetable:

    Radio Links:
  20. Miraath Net: Live Daily Lessons in Muharram 1433/ December 2011 - with Scholars and Students of Knowledge (this week )

    Miraath Net: Live Daily Lessons for a week with scholars and students of knowledge

    There will be lessons this week insha Allaah.
    Starting Saturday 7th Muharram 1433 – Friday 13th Muharram 1433...
  21. Raised post

    Raised post
  22. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ''Verily, those who...

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    ''Verily, those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, the Most Beneficent (Allaah) Will bestow love for them (in the hearts of the Believers.)'' Surah Maryam 19:96...
  23. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Wa laykum salaam wa...

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Wa laykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa baraktuhu,

    إنا لله وإن إليه راجعون
    We praise none above Allaah.

    No amount of words can encompass the immense personal...
  24. Shaikh Muhammed Ramzaan Hajiri (Hafidhah Ullaah)...

    Shaikh Muhammed Ramzaan Hajiri (Hafidhah Ullaah)
    [26 Dhul Qadah 1432 / 24.10/11] during a lesson (on explaining
    Usool us Sunnah By Imaam Ahmed (rahima ullah)

    The Importance of...
  25. Jazak Allahu khairun. In the West (similar...

    Jazak Allahu khairun.

    In the West (similar principle)... "Networking".
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