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  1. #5
    In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful The Bestower of Mercy

    Ihyaa Turaath, Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq, Ikhwaan Al-Muslimoon and their allies

    Shaikh Rabee (hafidha-hullaah) stated:

    Indeed, from the most severe of afflictions and trials upon Islaam and the Muslims in this era, is the appearance of a group claiming to be upon the methodology of Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaa-ah, but unfortunately this group does not act except in opposition to this methodology and its people; openly at times and behind veils at other times.

    And indeed this group has placed a heavy burden upon its shoulders, and that is its defence of the people of innovation and misguidance. They author books in this regard and decorate statements for it; and they spread such defence in the world under the slogan of justice and equity or the methodology of Al-Muwaazanah.

    They exceed the limits in the affair of Fiqul Waaqi (knowledge of current affairs) and speak ill of the scholars of the salafi methodology as a result of that; rather they degrade the methodology of the scholars as a result of this and increase in ill speech against the salafi methodology and its people. The effects of the path of justice and equity are neither seen in their arguments against the people of the salafi methodology nor in their praises and exaltations for the people of innovation.

    Alongside concealing themselves with the Salafi Methodology, they are not
    seen to give it importance except with respect to what they utilize to deceive those deceived by them, or (what they utilize as) garments of salafiyyah in order to bring the people to their corrupt partisan organization in order to kill off their love for the Salafi Methodology, the call to it, defence of it, traversing in it upon the methodology of the pious predecessors with the (correct) loyalty and disownment and being warned against the people of innovation.

    So they divert a great deal of people from the true methodology and the truthful alliance for it; and (direct them) towards that passionate alliance to the people of innovation and defence of them, their innovations and falsehoods; or playing down their innovations to the extent that it leads them to the station of the extreme murji-a with regards to their views towards the major innovations and great affairs of opposition to the true religion of Allaah.

    And due to this, hatred has occurred from them towards the carriers of the Sunnah and the salafi methodology; and they set up those who present their mistakes which have neither been criticized by a Sunni nor an innovator from amongst those who ascribe themselves to Islaam. They present these mistakes as mighty affairs of blunder and destruction; rather they make the virtues and merits of ahlus Sunnah to be repugnant and disdainful in addition to much fabrication and accusation.

    So with these disgraceful deeds they perpetrate, they are from the severest in war against the salafi methodology and its people; the severest in their opposition to the salafi methodology and its people; the most intense in their defence of the groups of innovation and trials.

    They have authorships in this regard and from them: The many authorships of Shaikh Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq who carries the responsibility of this destructive orientation. [Source: Bayaanu Fasaadul Mi'yaar; Hiwaar ma-a hizbiy mutasattir; page: 5-6]

    Imaam Al-Albaanee Likens Ihya Turaath in Kuwait to Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen

    Question To Imaam Al Albaanee (rahimahullaah)

    Have you come across a book written: (titled) 'Al-Muslimoona Wal-Amalus Siyaasee, or in a cassette other than that (of) Shaikh Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq's book?


    Perhaps, I have read it. I have observations on it, because from a (certain) view point we hold that political activity is premature at present. And in my belief, the brothers in Kuwait have become like ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen. They do not give importance to dawah; they do not give importance to what is called Tasfiyah Wat-Tarbiyyah [Purification and Cultivation]; their concern is politics, position, elections, parliament and what is similar to that; and it is clear that at the most some of the unlawful (affairs) will be committed due to it..... [Siyaanatus Salafi: page: 613]

    Shaikh Saaleh Aala Shaikh Exposes One of The Plots of Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen

    Shaikh Saaleh Aala Shaikh said:

    'As for Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen, from that which is the most manifestly evident of dawah with them is that they conceal, disguise, change colours and get close to the one they believe will benefit them and not making known their true reality. The reality of the affair is hidden and amongst them is one who mingles with some of the scholars and the mashaa-yikh for a long time and he (the scholar or shaikh) knows not their reality. He makes manifest a statement but hides the opposite; he does not say all that he has with him. [Al-Fataawaa Al-Muhimmah Fee Tabseeril Ummah: page:180]

    Imaam Muqbil Bin Haadee Al-Waadi’ee (rahimahullaah) on Ihyaa Turaath

    He (rahimahullaah) said:

    'As for Shaikh Al Albaanee, he freed himself from them long ago and Shaikh Bin Baaz disap-proved of them in some affairs. The illegal partisans are deceivers; they approach the virtuous mashaa-yikh of ahlus sunnah amongst those who trust them and say: 'O Shaikh! Indeed a lot of good has been actualized through us, indeed we went to Africa', when in reality they went to split the unity of the Muslims.....'we went to Pakistan and to such and such, so the Shaikh believes (that). And indeed he (Shaikh Bin Baaz) has refuted Abdur -Rahmaan Bin Abdul Khaaliq and I am sure that if their affair becomes clear to him, he will free himself from them' [Siyaanatus Salafi: page:619-620]

    Al Allaamah Ubayd Bin Abdillaah Al-Jaabiriy (may Allaah preserve him) said:

    'And from the Political Groups (Al-Jamaa'aat As-Siyaasiyah) which I see should not be co-operated with or to come under their banner is the Jamaa-ah Ahlul Hadeeth in Birmingham, Britain, whose head is Abdul Haadi Al-Omari......'[]

    Shaikh Saaleh Aala Shaikh Exposes another plot of Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen

    'They warn against those who refute them. If they see an individual amongst the people who knows about their methodology and path and begin to refute them, and warns the youth from affiliation to repugnant partisanship, they begin to warn against him through different ways; sometimes accusing him, sometimes telling lies about him and sometimes charging him with things he is free from, whilst knowing that to be a lie. Sometimes they pursue his mistakes and vilify him; and they inflate that so as to prevent the people from following truth and guid-ance........' [Al-Fataawaa Al-Muhimmah Fee Tabseeril Ummah: page:181]

    Some excellent articles

    Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen's Tazkiyah For Shaykh Rabee' and Explanation of the Reason Why the Hizbiyyoon Attack Him
    Author: Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen
    Source: Cassette Recordings
    Article ID : MSC060018


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