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  1. #3
    AssalamuAlaikum Wa Rahmatullah

    AllahuAkbar, another £13,000 has come in from an individual/group of individuals. We ask Allah azzawajal to grant these people good in this life and the hereafter and accept this mighty deed in the last 10 days of Ramadhan. Jazakumullahu Khair. We ask everyone to make dua for the donators.

    Our outstanding figure is now £22,421.

    Less than 3 weeks ago a 22K buy a brick campaign began. The 22k campaign was only meant to be conceptual but the response has been overwhelming. More than 30K has come in which means that all the bricks have been sold as part of that campaign. We are therefore launching the final “BUY A BRICK CAMPAIGN.” There are 22 bricks remaining and once sold, ALL OUR DEBT WILL BE PAID OFF. We bought the building for £287,000. Not even a full year has elapsed and by the bounty of Allah, we are down to the last 22k. We make a final plea and encouragement to all of you to take this opportunity whilst it is there. By buying a brick, you are no doubt investing in a lifetime of reward and beyond by the permission of Allah. We ask Allah to help us clear this outstanding debt within these last 10 blessed days of Ramadhan. 11 people are required to donate £2000 each and we are finished. But every penny counts and each donation is mighty no matter how small it is.


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