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  1. #1
    wa 'alaikumussalaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

    JazaakAllaahu khayraa.

    Here's the audio recording (no video, via the brother "emreekeesalafee"'s channel on YouTube - jazaahullaahu khayraa):

    Maa shaa'Allaah, beautiful. May Allaah reward the brother Abu Muhammad and preserve him and the rest of the salafi du'aat.

    Here's the actual quote mentioned above:
    ... not the brothers of the Masjid Rahmah, the Administration actually, let us make that clear, the Administration, a few handful of people, not the community ...

  2. #2
    As-Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

    An important point that NEEDS to be emphasized here:

    Our brother, Abu Muhammad Al-Maghribi said,

    My position was supported by the mashaykh. Shaykh Rabee' himself, Shaykh Ubayd we spoke today, he told me,"You made the right decision." Shaykh Suhaymee, even though Shaykh Saaleh As-Suhaynee told me,"Muhammad no no, be patient inshaaAllaah it's going to be..." I said, "Shaykh, I've been patient for 6 years trying to be like you." He Said, "If you been patient for 6 years your better than me."
    It was Authenticstatements, that sent out on their mailing-list a general praise of Tahir Wyatt by Shaykh Saaleh As-Suhaymee. Which, to the reader who is not aware of the current affairs surrounding this subject maybe perceive that this praise is final.

    However, Shaykh Falaah Bin Ismaa'eel Al-Mundikaar, Shaykh Rabee' Bin Haadee Al-Madhkhalee & Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jaabiree, Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee (and maybe more) have spoken concerning this matter with detailed disparagement.

    In the above quote, Shaykh Saaleh As-Suhaymee commends Abu Muhammad Al-Maghribi and said,
    If you been patient for 6 years your better than me."
    With all this additional information, where does this leave the general praise....?
    When a man knows his ownself, speech of the people is of no benefit to him!

  3. #3
    assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

    Jazaakumullaahu khayraa for your posts. Brother Abu Lubaynah mentioned above:

    Quote Originally Posted by Abu.Lubaynah.Abdul.Ghanee View Post
    ...However, Shaykh Falaah Bin Ismaa'eel Al-Mundikaar, Shaykh Rabee' Bin Haadee Al-Madhkhalee & Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jaabiree, Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee (and maybe more) have spoken concerning this matter with detailed disparagement.
    This is in line with the earlier advice of Shaykh Rabee' (may Allah preserve him and reward him for his advice & naseehah to his brothers and children) especially this quote:

    "This is my stance and the stance of Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree and Shaykh Falaah Ismaa'eel and others from the Mashaayikh concering what has taken place of recent in America in opposition to some of the Mashaayikh in al-Madeenah who are not aware of his [Tahir Wyatt's] situation."
    Also, as brother Abu Lubaynah further mentioned:
    With all this additional information, where does this leave the general praise....?
    brothers should remember the principle that Jarh Mufassal (detailed criticism) takes precedence over general praise as Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Umar Baazmool (حفظه الله) mentions in the first post in this thread (via
    the principle is that the one making the jarh [mufassil] (the jaarih) is given precedence over the one making the ta'deel (the mu'addil)
    He then explains:
    If a narrator from the narrators of hadeeth was declared trustworthy by Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal and a person who was less than Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal made jarh of him with a jarh mufassar [detailed criticism] ... what is correct is that you accept the words of one who makes Jarh... because the one who makes the jarh has additional knowledge with him, he has additional knowledge.

    Hence, we say, in the application of this principle the jarh is given precedence over the ta'deel.
    See the full explanation of the Shaykh here:
    "سبحان الذي لا يشكر إلا بنعمة أخرى"
    [Related by Shaykh 'Abdur-Razaaq al-Badr (حفظه الله) in "فقه الأسماء الحسنى" from Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee (رحمه الله)]


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