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    Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah

    Revive this nearly abandoned Sunnah concerning the Adhaan

    Shaikh Muhammad Nasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani (rahimahullaah) mentioned in Ath-Thamar Al Musta'taab, Vol. 1 page 133-137: "If there is extreme cold or rain then he (the Mu`aadhin) adds after his statement 'Hayaa 'alal Falaah,' or after the adhaan itself 'Saloo fee rihaalikum' (pray in your abodes) or he says 'Wa man Qa'ada fa laa Haraja 'alaihi' (he who remains at home then there is no harm upon him)."

    Shaikh Al-Albaani then went on to mention a number of narrations establishing this near-abandoned sunnah.

    From those ahaadeeth:

    1. The Hadeeth of Ibn 'Abbaas (radiallaahu 'anhumma) that was narrated by 'Abdullaah ibnil Haarith (radiallaahu 'anhu), who mentioned:

    "Ibn Abbaas delivered a sermon to us on a rainy day. When the Mu`aadhin reached (the statement) 'Hayyaa 'alas Salaah,' he (Ibn 'Abbaas) commanded him to call: 'As Salaatu fir Rihaal' ((establish) prayer in your abodes), so the people looked at each other, so he said: 'This was done by one who is better than me (meaning the Messenger of Allaah, Sallallaahu 'Alaihi Was Sallam) and indeed it is Azmah (binding upon you).'" (Collected by Bukhaari (2/77-78) and Muslim (2/148), rahimahumullaah)

    (Translator's Note: This narration was in reference to Jumu'ah as the following version makes clear.)

    Abu Daawood (rahimahullaah) narrated it with the following wording:

    "Ibn 'Abbaas said to his mu`aadhin on a rainy day: when you say, 'I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah,' then do not say 'Hayyaa 'alas Salaah,' but say 'Salloo fee Buyootikum' (pray in your houses). Then it was as though the people disliked that, so he said: 'This was done by one who was better than me (meaning the Messenger of Allaah, salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). Indeed Jumu'ah is azmah (I.e. Compulsory upon you when you hear the call to it), and I do not wish to cause you any harm due to you walking in mud and rain.'"(This was also one of the versions collected by Bukhaari (2/307) and Muslim; also Ibn Maajah collected a similar narration (300), rahimahumullaah)

    2. The hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar (radiallaahu 'anhumma) narrated by Naafi' (rahimahullaah):

    "Ibn 'Umar called the adhaan on a cold night in (a place on the outskirts of Makkah known as) Dhajnaan, then he said: 'Saloo fee rihaalikum' (Pray in your Homes), for indeed we were informed that the Messenger of Allaah used to command a mu`aadhin to call his adhaan then say at the end of it 'Alaa Saloo fee rihaalikum' (Will you not pray in your homes) on a cold night or a rainy night while on a journey.'" (Collected by Bukhaari (2/89-90) and muslim (2/147))

    3. The narration of 'Amr Ibn Aws (radiallaahu 'anhu) who said:

    "We were informed by a man from (the tribe of) Thaqeef that he heard the Prophet's caller say (in his call) on a rainy night while they were upon a journey 'hayyaa 'alas Salaah, Hayaa 'alal Falaah, Saloo fee rihaalikum.'"(Collected by Nasaa’i (106-107) and Ahmad (5/373), rahimahumullaah)

    4. The Hadeeth of Nu'aym Ibn Nahhaam (radiallaahu 'anhu) who said:

    "I heard the Mu`aadhin of the Prophet - Sallallahu 'alaihi was sallam - on a cold night while I was between my sheets, and I wished he would say 'Saloo fee rihaalikum.' So when he got to 'hayaa 'alal Falaah, he said 'Saloo fee rihaalikum (pray in your abodes).' I Later asked him (the mu`aadhin) about that, and he said the Prophet – Sallallahu 'alaihi was sallam - commanded him to do so." (Collected by Ahmad (4/320); the narrators of this isnaad are all narrators from the six books other than the shaikh that was not named, but the narration has a variant version with varying wording...)

    5. Upon the authority of Nu'aym, also, who said: "The call for the dawn prayer was made on a cold day and I was wrapped up in my wifes' thick sheet. I said: If only he would say: 'man Qa'ada fa laa haraja 'alaihi' (whosoever remains (at home), then there is no harm upon him), so the caller of the Prophet announced at the end of his adhaan 'Man Qa'ada fa laa haraja 'alaihi.'" (Collected by Ahmad 5/320)

    The shaikh then mentioned a version in the Mu'jam al-Kabeer of Imaamut Tabaraani (rahimahullaah) that mentioned in it:

    ' when he said 'As-Salaatu Khairan minan nawm,' he said (after it) wa man qa'ada fa laa haraj' (whoever remains in their abode, then there is no harm).

    The Shaikh thereafter mentioned an important note, stating:

    Note: The second version of the first hadeeth indicates that the mu`aadhin removes the hay'alatain (i.e the two statements 'hayyaa 'alas Salaah, Hayyaa 'alal Falaah) and mentions in their place 'As Salaatu Fir-Rihaal.' This is a position that was held by some of the scholars of hadeeth, since Imaam Ibn Khuzaima - who was followed by Imam Ibn Hibbaan then Imaam Al Muhib At Tabari - (all) placed as a chapter heading upon this hadeeth: 'The removal of Hayaa 'alas Salaah on a rainy day.' This is that which the hadeeth would necessitate, if only the narrations being raised and attributed to the Messenger (himself) was apparent. If that was established, then the mu`aadhin would have the choice between removing it, due to this hadeeth, or leaving it due to the other ahaadeeth. And Allah Knows best.

    6. The Hadeeth of Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu 'anhu) that states:

    "The Messenger of Allaah - Sallallahu 'Alaihi was Sallam - used to, if it was a cold or rainy night, command his mu`aadhin to call the first Adhaan then when he was finished, he would call 'As Salaatu Fir Rihaal' or 'Fee Rihaalikum.'"(Collected by Abu Ahmad Ibn Adi as was mentioned in 'Tarhu Tathreeb fee sharhit Taqreeb' of Al Haafidh Al Iraaqi 1/319, but he did not mention anything about its chain of narration, rahimahumullaah)

    From these ahaadeeth and this discussion of the Shaikh, we conclude the following:

    1. That due to the principle in the sharee'ah of the alleviation of harm, we have this ruling that establishes ease for the believers.

    2. That the announcement is made during cold, difficult and/or rainy weather.

    3. That the announcement has a number of wordings, all of them permissible to use and they are:
    1. 'Saloo fee rihaalikum' – (Pray in your abodes)
    2. 'Saloo fir Rihaal' – (Pray in the houses)
    3. 'Alaa Saloo fir Rihaal' – (Will you not pray in your abodes)
    4. 'As Salaatu Fir Rihaal' – (The prayer (will be established) in the abodes
    5. 'Saloo fee buyootikum' – (Pray in your houses)
    6. 'Wa man Qa'ada Falaa Haraj' – (and whoever remains (at home), then there is no harm)
    7. 'Wa man Qa'ada falaa haraja 'alaihi- (and whoever remains (at home), then there is no harm upon him)
    4 . That the call is made either after the statement 'Hayaa 'alal falaah' or it is made at the end of the adhaan.

    5. That to remove the hay'alatain (I.e. Hayaa 'alas Salaah and Hayaa 'alal Falaah) and to replace them with this announcement, though it was held permissible by some of the scholars of hadeeth, it is not present in a narration attributed to the Messenger of Allaah – Sallallahu alaihi was Salam. Those who hold the position argue that the two terms are opposed to each other, so they hold that by virtue of the meaning of the wording, the call to come to salaah should be removed. The command to do so is authentically attributed to Ibn 'Abbaas - Radiallaahu 'Anhumma.

    6. The ease that is present in the Sunnah.

    May Allaah grant us the tawfeeq to revive these near-abandoned Sunan of the Messenger - Sallallaahu 'alahi was Sallam.

    Wallaahu A'lam.


    Translated by: Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis (hafidhahullaah)
    Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk

    If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.


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