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  1. #12

    Machiavellian Politics and Lust for Power In the Name of Da'wah and Rectification

    From all the previous posts, the respected reader will have realized the reality of the matter. Here we present a letter from the self-appointed "president", Aaron (Harun) Cole. Two of these letters were sent to the two brothers responsible for the day to day affairs of the center and masjid, and this particular one is the new president dismissing the old one!

    The reader should understand this was a very carefully planned and orchestrated plot, worked out in great detail, and whose execution was intended with timing and precision. They had been working to garner as much support as possible through whatever means possible from the local community and the various du'at, using dissimulation, pretence, conniving, secrecy and the likes. Part of this was the paper-fraud they had to prepare for in order to freeze bank accounts and take over hosting and other such matters.

    Remember that the individuals leading this plot were present in the early stages of TROID (10-15) years ago but either resigned or just disappeared off the scene and went their own ways to pursue jobs, wealth, or whatever it was, Allaah knows best. From that time we worked to bring the center and the masjid (not present in their time) to where it is now. It is therefore from the greatest of deception, treachery and Machiavellian politics that they popped out of nowhere and tried to excecute this audacious and what can only be described as a large scale hate-filled attack upon the da'wah operation. They were hoping that by the sheer momentum they aimed to initiate by winning support from the community and support from the various callers they approached privately they could quickly execute this plan and take control over all aspects of the da'wah, from the building, to the assets, to the bank accounts and so on, with the least amount of obstacles and barrriers. As part of this they had to get or claim support from the du'at and Scholar(s). By Allaah's praise, they have been exposed, and we don't know which Scholar(s) would support such treacherous and deceptive behaviour, because these culprits are claiming they have support from certain Scholars and Allaah knows best about the reality of the matter. No Scholar would ever knowingly support such actions. As for the du'at they approached, every single one of them advised them against what they were doing, but they paid no heed, not even to Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan who told them in their faces to stop this activity. No sooner had the Shaykh left, except that they continued to steam ahead in their corruption and mischief, from Allaah is all aid sought!


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