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  1. #9
    Masha'allah may Allah preserve us & the Noble 'Ulamaa of Ahl-us-SUnnah and guide those whore are in opposition to the Da'wah tus-Salafiyyah

    Imaam Ahmad (d.241H) (rahimahullah) said:

    All Praise is for Allaah Who, in every age and interval between the Prophets, raises up a group from the People of Knowledge who call the misguided to guidance and patiently bear ill-treatment and harm. With the Book of Allaah they give life to the dead, and by Allaah's light they give sight to the blind. How many a person killed by Iblees have they revived. How many people astray and wandering have they guided. How beautiful their effect has been upon the people, and how vile people have been towards them. They repel from the Book of Allaah the alterations of those going beyond bounds, the false claims of the liars and the false interpretations of the ignorant ones-those who uphold the banner of innovation and let loose the trials and discords. Who differ about the Book, oppose the Book and agree to oppose the Book. Those who speak about Allaah and His Book without knowledge, argue about what is ambiguous in the Book and deceive the ignorant with such ambiguities. We seek refuge in Allaah from the trials of the misguided ones.

    Imaam Aboo Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (d.449H) (rahimahullah) said:

    And one of the distinguishing signs of Ahlus-Sunnah is their love for the Imaams of the Sunnah, its Scholars, its helpers, and its close allies, and their hatred for the leaders of innovation who call to the Hell-Fire and who direct their associates and companions to the home of torment destruction. Allaah, the Sublime, has adorned the hearts of Ahlus-Sunnah, and the light of their hearts with love for the Scholars of the Sunnah, as a bounty from Him, Whose Magnificence is perfect and Sublime.


    A translation of Aqeedatus-Salaf wa Ashaabul-Hadeeh of Aboo Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (rahimahullah)

    A translation of Ar-Radd alal-Jahmiyyah waz-Zanaadiqah (introduction) of Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullah)


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