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  1. #3
    Attempts to Confiscate Publications and other Assets by Some of the Liars Above

    These individuals (Said Ali, Aron (Harun) Cole and Michael (Mikael) Wilson) claimed leadership and ownership for themselves on July 26th (just one day, less than 24hrs, after Shaykh Muhammad Ramzaan left - and he had warned them to cease in their behaviour). They came to Masjid Furqaan (TROID) and demanded that the book publications and other items in the masjid be given to them! Keep in mind, not one of these individuals had any involvement in these publications, running the masjid or any administrative role whatsoever, and are people who have blatanly lied about their involvement in this masjid, made fraudulent claims and falsely represented the community, so much so, members of the local community for the most part, may read this and say "Who on earth is Said Ali, Harun Cole and Mikeal Wilson and what do they have to do with Masjid Furqaan?"

    Due to their fitnah and strife and all the other things that occurred before, the police were called to prevent them from further harm (as it seemed they had gathered in the masjid to attempt something very brazen). They were requested to leave the masjid by the police. During these proceedings, they claimed to the police that the contents of the masjid and centre belong to them, everything, from the books to the carpet! These are people who have had no role in establishing this masjid and islamic centre - and suddenly, they are claiming it for themselves!! These are items that were built up by the organisation to support the masjid, items in some cases donated by the community which they now wish to claim as theirs - amazing indeed! These are some of the conversations that expired:

    Said Ali (who has his own masjid and invites al-Maghrib Institute speakers) said to the Police officer: “We want what belongs to us,” “We want the books, the clothing, even the carpets,” “We have been paying the rent, look at the cheques and you will see our name.”

    The reality is, he doesn’t even know how much the rent is! He never signed a cheque for this masjid ever. He may have prayed in that masjid a handful of times in seven years, not visiting it sometimes for maybe a year! He, Said Ali, continued, “I have a paper, showing that I am the president.” This man all of a sudden is claiming to be the custodian of Masjid Furqaan/TROID! He then attempted to show the Police, but the Police officer responded, “Sir this is not a court. Ahmad (TROID) is the legal owner (leaseholder) of this place, you will have to go to court to prove anything."

    Intelligently, the police officer then asked,Do you have an invoice for the books (TROID Publications)?” Said Ali, “No.” Ahmad Assing interjected, “Of course Officer, he does not have an invoice as he never bought any books, he does not even know what (the names of the) books are.” When all of their requests were denied, Said Ali eventually asked (our exclamations), “Officer, can I take inventory of the stuff in case they steal it [!!!!] or give it away [!!!].” The police officer said, “You have to ask Ahmad for permission” Ahmad responded, “Officer I want them out of the masjid.” Said Ali also said to the Police Officer, "I want you to put a lock on the door. close the building down, at least until we get our stuff" - here we see that Said Ali had no problems to try and shut down the masjid, for his own purposes. Yet they claimed they wanted only good for the community! After some back and forth squabbling, they left the masjid without “their property.”

    They were then warned by the police to leave and that they may face trespassing charges if they return. We certainly have no problem with any Muslim who wishes to worship in the mosque and intends no harm to the people, or to the masjid and center. These are the people, (dear community members) who claim to be the custodians of the masjid, the da'wah centre - and this is the lying and treachery the employ and the harm they are causing. All the while, they are claiming and alleging, that they have support from Shaykh Waseeullah 'Abbaas in their attempts to wrestle control over the center and masjid, and Allaah knows best about the reality of the matter.


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