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  1. #3
    Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah

    Benefits in Manhaj from our sitting with Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool, Part 4


    Therefore oh youth! Be ardent, leave this fitan, leave these tribulations, be Salafees who are true. Follow the path of the Salaf; they didn't have the likes of these differences and this instability (in affairs of manhaj). Up until relatively recently, these things were not known with our scholars.
    So (as was mentioned [Allaah's command to His Messenger to say]): ...I call to Allaah..." (Yusuf, ayah 108). It is a must that we reflect upon it and its meaning and that we have a true pause for reflection upon it. Call to Allaah, not to 'Ali Al Halabi, not to Al Ma`ribee, not to Abdul-Maalik Ramadhaani, not to Abdul-Azeez Ar Rayyis, not to such and such from those who have opposed the truth and whom the scholars have warned against like Ibraaheem Ar Ruhailee. No! (Call) to Allaah!

    These individuals have opposed the truth, that's it! They are left, stay with the truth, follow the path of the truth, save yourself! Wallaahi (By Allaah) these individuals will not benefit you. Wallaah! Those who have opposed the truth, wallaahi they will not benefit you. Ruhaili, Ar Rayyis, this one, that one. If they are upon the haqq, then be with them. But if they are upon falsehood - and the 'Ulamaa clarify their affair - then leave them.

    Call to Allaah! Don't call to individuals. Do you wish to glorify Allaah and call to Allaah, or call to individuals?

    Upon until recently if the 'Ulamaa spoke against an individual, his affair would be finished. They would leave him! Having blind allegiance to the Shaikh? No! By Allaah! Due to following the truth.


    Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk

    If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.


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