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View Full Version : Explanation of books in Arabic language by Sheikh Abdur-Rahmân Al-Kûnî

02-17-2012, 01:29 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

سلامٌ عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

here is the link where the people who love the language of the Noble Quraan and the Sunnah can find what will help them in their learning of the different sciences of the Arabic Language as Balâgha, Nahu, Sarf ....

all the books are explained by our noble Sheikh Abdur-Rahmân Al-Kûnî who is still alive and lives in Madinah may Allah preserve him


the books you can find there:

شرح ملحة الإعراب

متن لامية الأفعال لابن مالك الأندلسي الشافعي

المنصف لابن جني

شرح قطر الندى

شرح لامية العرب للشنفرى

متن موجز البلاغة

شرط النهايات تصحيح البدايات

شرح لامية الأفعال لابن مالك

and other books

we ask Allah The Most High to teach us the language of the Qurân