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View Full Version : Who from the Scholars and Du’aat Are Supporting this Treachery and Corruption in Toronto?

07-28-2011, 05:38 PM
Over the past few months, a group of people claiming to be supported by Shaykh Waseeullaah ‘Abbaas and some of those associated with madeenah.com have attempted – using secrecy, dissimulation, great deception and treachery – to undermine the da’wah at TROID, to overtake the masjid and all of its resources. They have employed every type of deceptive and treacherous behaviour to seek their goal. They have sought to freeze bank accounts, assets and spread lies and misnomers far and wide to destroy the foundation of salafee da’wah in Canada. An example of their attempts is below. Two of the individuals they incorporated, are from those who left us in the 1990’s. Take a look below and notice their letter to our bank and contrast that with their resignation letters from 14 years ago. These liars also lied to government ministries and the Muslims locally, misleading them and employing every level of evil to seek destruction. In seeking to wrestle control away from the current administration (and no doubt put it in the hands of those associated with madeenah.com) they utilized these two liars to falsify information, a criminal offence (legal issues are pending against them).

The two individuals:
1. Micheal (Mikeal) Wilson
2. Vernon (Khalil) Brown

So they delivered a letter to the bank (claiming to be "the board") after seeking to change organizational documents (with a government ministry) on the pretense that they were part of an organization that they indeed left, almost a decade and half ago. Contrast their letter to the bank with their resignation letters below!

Letter to bank (dated July 14th 2011) claiming to be 'the board':

Resignation Letters for these two liars from 1997 (14 years ago!) - Outright lies!


The third name on this letter is Said Ali. This individual likewise left the organisation in the 90's, leaving the Islamic scene entirely only to resurface recently with his own masjid. So he likewise claimed to be a rep. of the board. Yet, he has his own masjid. This is clear fraud and deception. Further who does he invite? The likes of Said Regeah of the al-Maghrib Institute (Yasir Qadhee's group), the same al-Maghrib Institute that had its founder praise Anwar al-Awlaki. He also invites the likes of Ahmad Shehab (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Darul-Arqam-Islamic-Advocacy-Guidance/112227072134797?sk=info) He has posted his picture profile on-line here:http://www.paltalk.com/people/users/Al-Ghuraba2009/photo_showcase.wmt?photo=5

So this is just one example of many about a people who lie and cooperate with the hizbiyyeen - claiming not only to be upon salafiyyah but to be the 'real TROID'! It is a tangled web of lies and deception which we will elaborate on in detail - a planned scheme to bring down the da'wah that TROID has been propogating and replace it with themselves, power hungry individuals who claim to have support from Shaykh Wasiullah and are being supported by those aligned with Madeenah.Com. They would like to see the da'wah of clarity replaced with a da'wah of leniency with ahlul-bid'ah wal-hizbiyyah.

More to follow insha'Allaah...

07-28-2011, 11:14 PM
Masjid al-Furqaan closed for a Period (due to these harms):

What indicates the lowliness to which these people have stooped is that they sought to cut off the financial streams that support the beloved masjid. A reckless disregard and clear indication of giving themselves and their agenda priority (over the public interest) and paying no regard whatsoever for the potential disruption caused to the worshippers at the mosque in the short or long term. As a result of their actions of paper fraud and deception, Masjid al-Furqan was closed for some days (July 20th -24th). Historically, this masjid, walhamdulillaah, has been 100% debt-free, but is now facing the prospect of surmounting bills (for utility bills etc.), and may even have interest charged as a penalty for late / non-payment. As this group has been involved in paper fraud and deception to freeze the accounts through which the masjid operates, payments are no longer possible.

We ask Allaah to protect the Muslims and worshippers at Masjid al-Furqan against the evil designs and consequences of the actions of this small band of mischief-makers.

07-28-2011, 11:36 PM
Attempts to Confiscate Publications and other Assets by Some of the Liars Above

These individuals (Said Ali, Aron (Harun) Cole and Michael (Mikael) Wilson) claimed leadership and ownership for themselves on July 26th (just one day, less than 24hrs, after Shaykh Muhammad Ramzaan left - and he had warned them to cease in their behaviour). They came to Masjid Furqaan (TROID) and demanded that the book publications and other items in the masjid be given to them! Keep in mind, not one of these individuals had any involvement in these publications, running the masjid or any administrative role whatsoever, and are people who have blatanly lied about their involvement in this masjid, made fraudulent claims and falsely represented the community, so much so, members of the local community for the most part, may read this and say "Who on earth is Said Ali, Harun Cole and Mikeal Wilson and what do they have to do with Masjid Furqaan?"

Due to their fitnah and strife and all the other things that occurred before, the police were called to prevent them from further harm (as it seemed they had gathered in the masjid to attempt something very brazen). They were requested to leave the masjid by the police. During these proceedings, they claimed to the police that the contents of the masjid and centre belong to them, everything, from the books to the carpet! These are people who have had no role in establishing this masjid and islamic centre - and suddenly, they are claiming it for themselves!! These are items that were built up by the organisation to support the masjid, items in some cases donated by the community which they now wish to claim as theirs - amazing indeed! These are some of the conversations that expired:

Said Ali (who has his own masjid and invites al-Maghrib Institute speakers) said to the Police officer: “We want what belongs to us,” “We want the books, the clothing, even the carpets,” “We have been paying the rent, look at the cheques and you will see our name.”

The reality is, he doesn’t even know how much the rent is! He never signed a cheque for this masjid ever. He may have prayed in that masjid a handful of times in seven years, not visiting it sometimes for maybe a year! He, Said Ali, continued, “I have a paper, showing that I am the president.” This man all of a sudden is claiming to be the custodian of Masjid Furqaan/TROID! He then attempted to show the Police, but the Police officer responded, “Sir this is not a court. Ahmad (TROID) is the legal owner (leaseholder) of this place, you will have to go to court to prove anything."

Intelligently, the police officer then asked,Do you have an invoice for the books (TROID Publications)?” Said Ali, “No.” Ahmad Assing interjected, “Of course Officer, he does not have an invoice as he never bought any books, he does not even know what (the names of the) books are.” When all of their requests were denied, Said Ali eventually asked (our exclamations), “Officer, can I take inventory of the stuff in case they steal it [!!!!] or give it away [!!!].” The police officer said, “You have to ask Ahmad for permission” Ahmad responded, “Officer I want them out of the masjid.” Said Ali also said to the Police Officer, "I want you to put a lock on the door. close the building down, at least until we get our stuff" - here we see that Said Ali had no problems to try and shut down the masjid, for his own purposes. Yet they claimed they wanted only good for the community! After some back and forth squabbling, they left the masjid without “their property.”

They were then warned by the police to leave and that they may face trespassing charges if they return. We certainly have no problem with any Muslim who wishes to worship in the mosque and intends no harm to the people, or to the masjid and center. These are the people, (dear community members) who claim to be the custodians of the masjid, the da'wah centre - and this is the lying and treachery the employ and the harm they are causing. All the while, they are claiming and alleging, that they have support from Shaykh Waseeullah 'Abbaas in their attempts to wrestle control over the center and masjid, and Allaah knows best about the reality of the matter.

07-29-2011, 12:30 AM
Attempts to Gain Keys, Alarm Codes and Computer Access at the Masjid/TROID (unlawfully)

Before the paper fraud attempts to strong-arm TROID, there were actual attempts to use brute-force to gain control of the masjid. There were attempts to gain keys, alarm code access and computer password access! Our brother Mustafa Nigiri (shoorah member and a key holder for the masjid) recounts his conversation with two central characters in this evil operation, the local ring-leader (and self-proclaimed President of TROID) Aron (Harun) Cole and Dirie (Hamza) Beyle:


Harun Cole: “why were you given a key”

Mustafa Nigiri: “to open up for fajr”

Harun Cole: “I'm going to need the key from you”

Mustafa Nigiri (shocked): “I’m not going to be around the area”

Harun Cole: “Where are you now”

Harun Cole: “Hamza (Beyle) lives around there”

Harun Cole: “I’ll call you back”

After this, Hamza as-Sumaalee, one of the signees of this petition called Mustafa.

Hamza as-Sumaalee: “where are you, can we meet up, you know what, I am going to need the access code to get in the masjid”

Mustafa Nigirii: “what happen to your access code”

Hamza as-Sumaalee: “It was removed”

Mustafa Nigiri: “I’m not giving you mine”

A few days later Harun Cole (local ringleader) called Mustafa again:

Harun Cole: “I’m going to need the password for the computer at the back, sometime in the night time, when Ahmad (Assing) is not there, Hamza is going to go in and back up files”

Mustafa Nigiri: “I can’t give it to you, it was an amaanah given to me from ‘Umar”

This is the account of the noble brother Mustafa, a shoorah member and key-holder. He was shocked by the brazen nature of Cole, Beyle and his associates. It did not seem to cross their minds that this is a criminal offence, it is not rooted in any goodness or taqwaa and Allaah’s refuge is sought. Had the assailants entered the building at night, we naturally would have treated this as a criminal offence and taken appropriate measures through the authorities. This instance happened another time also, when a young brother who volunteers at the masjid (just 17 years old) was also asked for building alarm codes, something he reported to the administration of TROID in some distress.

07-29-2011, 03:02 AM
Those Who they Lied Upon and had their Names listed in Support of this Evil, and Their Accounts

In order to add strength to their vile agenda, they added names of brothers to a list of supporters, unknowingly, without their consent claiming they were with them! This was a ploy to show overwhelming support for their scheme, hoping it would snowball into an avalanche of majority opinion (i.e. if so and so is respected and he agrees to this, it must be the right thing!). Naturally, this infuriated those lied upon! Here are there accounts:

Ilyas Abu Asiya:

From: Ilyas Aidarus
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 09:15:32 -0400
To: <info@troid.org>
Subject: RE: Mail with GoodReader attachments

BaarakAllaahu feek akhi. Hamdi did call me and fill me in and I was not aware of anything like this until Hamdi called me a few days ago and told me a few people who are behind it and some of the attempts they made at overthrowing the current admin at Troid. Not one single person contacted me regarding this pitiful petition and whoever added my name to that petition is a liar. I did not consent to anything nor do I even know what it contains.

May Allaah not give success to whoever is behind this and added my name to that petition. Ameen.Muhammad Elmi:

From: Mohamed Elmi
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 20:09:05 -0400
To: <info@troid.org>

I Muhammad Elmi had my name falsely added to the "list" without being told, or having my permission sought. They told me that my name has been removed from the latest document of theirs, but names of brothers or were never part of "the movement" are still on the list, along with a brother who originally was part of it and sent them his testimony but later freed himself. Husayn El Sharif (it was narrated to us by our respected teacher, Abul-‘Abbaas Moosaa that he (Husayn) was noted on a document/list he had observed)

From: Husayn El Sharif
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 19:46:11 -0400
To: <info@troid.org>
Cc: Moosaa Richardson, Moosaa
Subject: Regarding the circulating document

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

I was informed that there is a document with a list of grievances against specific members of the administration at Masjid Furqan/Troid.org, and that this document has my name, Husayn El Sharif, written on it as if I approve of the document and its grievances.

I want to make it absolutely clear that I never approved of my name appearing on that document. I never received the document. And therefore, I never read it. And I did not give approval for anyone to put my name on it.

Rather in early June, I was approached about this document/petition, and I clearly declined to get involved in the petition as I live in Florida and don't intend on being in Canada anytime in the near future. Furthermore I believe that the affair of real or perceived grievances would be sufficiently addressed by our respected 'ulemaa and du'aat of Salafiyyah inshaa-Allaah.

Baarakallaahu feekum,

Husayn El Sharif
Lake Worth, Florida USAMustafa Nigiri, volunteer and shoorah member at TROID

From: Mustafa t
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2011 18:10:26 -0300
To: <info@troid.org>

As Salaamu alayka warahamtulaahi

Bismiallahi wassalaatu wa sallam alaa rasoolilaahi amaa ba'ad

My name is Mustafa Thomas, since i've come to the masjid in 2007 i've known and seen good from our brothers Ahmed and Umar, they've always tried to involve the youth in projects around the centre and community, including myself personally. They Ahmed and Umar are from the foremost who also propagate ad Dawatul Salaafiayyah clarifying matters of manhaj and aqeedah to the people.

...At this point i like to mention that i have been lied against and till today July 5th 2011 some spead lies that i support their evil to brothers in ottawa and i wish to clarify that i am free from and wish to be far removed from the likes of the people who would do such acts.

I have been wronged and ask Allaah to give to these individuals what they deserve, Ameen !

jazakaAllaahu khyran

Subhaanaka wabihamdika ash shaduu alaa ilaha illaa ant wa astaghfiruka wa atuubu ilayk.

07-29-2011, 03:23 AM
Assalam alikum wa rahmatullah wa baraktuh,

May allah protect TROID and all the salafi brothers/organizations from the hizbees and from the likes of the people mentioned above.

07-29-2011, 05:42 AM
Lying on the Students of Knowledge (Dawud Adib and Moosaa Richardson) Claiming they Support this Movement

It became apparent that numerous members of the community had been contacted to try and gain support for this movement. If they didn’t support it with their own opinions, they were given the opinions of others, mix matching various quotes, some rumors, some lies, some true (but out of context) and a general persuasion of ‘consensus’ to sway the one approached. It was quick and daring and it was hoped to spiral into a frenzy as quickly as possible. To conjure up extra strength to the claims, it was claimed that Dawud Adib and Moosaa Richardson support the petition.

Account 1: Mustafa Nigeri (shoorah member)

On Thursday 23rd June 2011, our noble brother Mustafa Nigeri recounted a conversation that Aron (Harun) Cole (the local ringleader) had with him:

"Don't let Ahmad (Assing) tell you anything other than it, Dawud Adib said he is with us"This is the account of Mustafa Nigeri, will he be labeled a liar too? Upon hearing this account, We immediately contacted our beloved elder, Abu Dihyah Dawud Adib, to which he responded:

From: Dawud Adib
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 20:47:51 -0400
To: <info@troid.org>
Subject: Re: Regarding the circulating document

I swear by the One who splits the date-stone, the One who suspends the Sun in the sky without any visible supports, the Lord of the Noble Ka'bah that what Haroon Cole has said is inaccurate, false and absolutely not true!Account 2: Mustafa Nigeri/Muhamad Elmi (shoorah members)

On Friday, 24th June 2011, after Ishaa, outside the masjid, Yerbol Kerimov (signee and member of this group) stated in the witness of both Mustafa Nigeri and Muhammad Elmi, “Dawud Adib and Moosaa Richardson are with us.” This is the account of Mustafa Nigeri and Muhamamd Elmi, will they be labeled liars also? This caused more confusion, so we contacted Abu Dihyah Dawud Adib again, to which he responded:

From: Dawud Adib
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 14:04:59 -0700
To: <info@troid.org>
Subject: Re: the latest

Also in corresponding with our teacher, Abul-‘Abbaas Moosaa Richardson, it was clear that he did not agree with their agenda and on the contrary, warned them to stop the fitnah they are causing and destruction to the community. Look at the claims in these accounts and the definitive response of Abu Dihyah Dawud Adib. Allaahul-Musta’aan – a cycle of lies, deceit and treachery. It was not enough to lie on brothers in our community, they also lied upon the Students of Knowledge to create a "shock and awe" response in the community that would make everyone else fall in to line out of fear that there is consensus regarding their overthrow attempt - a carefully plotted scheme. They cared little for the advice of these students of knowledge, dumping them when they didn't get their support.

Which Scholar of Student of Knowledge would allegedly support this type of lying and treachery?

All the above facts leave no doubt this is an evil plot motivated by lust for leadership and intent to harm the da'wah, because even if they had genuine grievances or claims that we have fallen into error and they were sincere in wanting correction and rectification and good for the da'wah, they would not be resorting to paper fraud, deception and dissimulation and plain thuggery as well as blatantly disregarding the advice of Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan whom they sat with when he was over here.

07-29-2011, 09:22 AM
As Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah. Allahul-Musta'an, this is outrageous behaviour. May Allah expose these people and their evil. How can their actions be defended after this? May Allah support you in this time of fitnah and return the affairs to what they were, Ameen.

07-29-2011, 04:42 PM
Attempts to Change the Ownership of the Web Hosting Account for troid.org, islaam.ca, islaam.ae – and to gain control of email accounts and Web Servers

The same evening (as the above banking incident), we noticed that access to our email accounts was not working. Upon seeing this, we sought to log in to our web server (for the abovementioned websites) to check on this issue and found that the password for the webserver didn’t work – it seemed that someone had changed the passwords and locked us out of our webserver and emails! Upon logging in to the customer contact section of our web hosting company, amazingly we found that the ownership of our webserver and the websites above had been changed to Aron (Harun) Cole – the local ringleader for this takeover bid. Here is a screenshot of this fraud:


Note that the address matches TROID but the owner and point of contact had been changed to Aron (Harun) Cole! So they used the same method of paper-fraud (mentioned above) to convince our web host that they are in charge of these websites and rightful owners! This worked for a short time, and they sought to move very quickly.

During this five hour window of time they had control, Harun and those aiding him changed our email account passwords, got access to prersonal email accounts and even sent this sample test email to make sure they were in control! (which we found later in our inbox – when we resolved the issue – perhaps they thought they were victorious and we wouldn’t gain control of the sites/email again!), this is the given email:

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Haroon" <haroon.cole@gmail.com>
Date: 16 July, 2011 0:52:15 EDT
To: <info@troid.org>
Subject: Test

Naturally, we sought to resolve this issue quickly with our web hosting company. We managed to speak to exactly the same associate that Aron (Harun) Cole had spoken with. He detailed to us the documents that Said Ali and Aron (Harun) Cole had sent him (imagine that – for those who know or had contact with troid.org in the last 10 yrs, do those names mean anything to you as it relates to troid.org?). So he asked me for more updated accounts and proofs of which I was easily able to supply. He then asked me some simple security questions. He (web hosting rep.) asked me “when was the account created?” and “when did you move to a new server?” of which I was able to provide accurate answers off the top of my head. At this point, the web hosting rep. was convinced of the rightful owner and began to open up to me. He said, “These guys, hackers or whoever they are, I asked Aron the same question (i.e. how long has the account active) and he answered ‘a few years’ and he was quite angry with me and I believe you are the rightful owner and we will take steps to secure the situation.”

So this non-Muslim is even alleging that Aron (Harun) Cole lied to him – in this case to gain control of troid.org and the group of troid websites and to access our email accounts (which they did for several hours including personal accounts). The web hosting rep. granted us access to his log of this event for legal purposes which we will be pursuing against the fraudsters and confidence tricksters. Al-Hamdulillaah, the web hosing issue was secured and resolved but not before a bold, ludicrous and simply evil attempt to strongarm them away from their rightful custodians with lies and deception.

Attempts to Change Ownership to the Registration Rights of the Domain “troid.org”

Following the clandestine web hosting overtake attempt, like the clandestine bank account overtake attempt – it occurred to us that the next logical step involving their paper fraud would be to gain control of the registration and ownership of the domain name "troid.org" (for those unfamiliar with websites, there are two aspects, the domain name registration and the web hosting account). Keeping all the technical details to one side, we have possession of the IP address from which this fraud was being attempted, which traces back to a cable account at Rogers. We will be pursuing legal action after tracing the invidual with this information, it is clear that Harun Cole used the services of some other person in this fraud.

One should also note, that a few days before the website overtake bid, our group of sites were hacked, and a few days before that, our web developer's laptop and phone were stolen - we ask Allaah to expose those who did these acts and bring them to justice, ameen. Currently our group of websites is offline and going through some transitions, it should also be noted that any email correspondence from @troid.org or the domain www.troid.org (http://www.troid.org) currently is not emanating from us.

07-30-2011, 11:05 AM
This is extremely disturbing news and I'm praying for the community at TROID that the matter is resolved swiftly and that Allah protects them from further harm especially as we're entering into Ramadhaan.

07-31-2011, 04:39 PM
I ask Allah to free our noble and beloved brothers of TROID from these evil and repugnant allegations. The "Protected one is the one Allah protects",so the protection of Allah is sought from those who find it easy to wage war against their Salafiyyah brothers.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth
Aboo Zaahid Jalil Meekins

07-31-2011, 06:39 PM
The claim of financial mismanagement is one of the most effective ways to start mobilizing people against those responsible for the running of centers of da'wah with a view to removing them and taking their place. We are sure this has been done in other places against those upon the way of the Salaf who strive to connect people to the Scholars and call to clarity in aqidah and manhaj. Those behind the paper-fraud documented above have acted no differently and have taken this route because it is a very effective method to start casting doubts in the minds of the community.

The reason why this is a very effective method is that in order to counter and rebut all the allegations, the accused have to spend an excruciatingly long time in clarifying the allegations and explaining all the various situations and circumstances surrounding the financial affairs of the running of a mosque and da'wah center and provide facts, details and evidences that prove otherwise and all of this can be complex. By the time they start explaining and clarifying and recounting historical contexts to financial dealings and decisions, the damage has already been done, because screams of "scandal" always attract attention and most people never bother to check the facts. This is how tabloids work to shape public opinion, and this is also how those who lust for power and position also choose to operate.

With Allaah's praise we are aware that those behind this bold attempt have been and are still trying to garner support from the community and elsewhere for their despicable actions. We have anticipated their claims and already have a detailed response for their allegations. The question is to see how bold they will be in trying to spread many more lies and deceptions now that their agenda is out in the open and it has become clear to the people that even if for argument's sake they had a genuine grievance they have definitely lost all credibility and have only exposed the dishonesty, treachery and personal interests that characterize their ringleaders. There is absolutely no defence for what they have been exposed for thus far. Nobody, not even in their dreams, could conjure up a defence for these actions and say that they are in perfect harmony with the Shariah and in perfect harmony with justice, fairness and rectification, even if they waved fatwa after fatwa from whatever Scholar(s) they allege are in support of them and what they are doing.

All we can do in this post is to address just one of their many allegations as an illustrative example. They claimed in of their documents that we have:

No concrete plan to bring an Imaam; all the money is divided back to these two individualsThis is an example of how they take an issue (bringing an Imaam) which has explanations and reasons, and then employ it as part of others to try to cast aspersions and doubts. Now what is below is part of a much longer and comprehensive response we have made to all their allegations, and some of the things mentioned therein themselves require more background information, so the reader may get a little lost, and this is precisely the point we have made above about the nature of these types of issues. The reader should ignore the details that don't make sense as they are part of a much longer rebuttal and clarification which we shall make available if and when these people decide to be so bold (and stupid) as to spread their lies and allegations further.

As for the first part of this statement, “No concrete plan to bring an Imaam…” the writers of this document claimed in another place, that no one else is allowed to be involved (in TROID other than two brothers), that being the case, how could they ever know (one way or the other) about the plan to bring a student of knowledge to Toronto?
Bringing a student of knowledge to Toronto is not a simple task, it requires that someone is willing and capable firstly, and a financial base is required to support him. In the case of a foreigner, it has legal and work visa requirements, in the case of a Canadian, that situation has not presented itself. We have mentioned to the community, and re-iterated many times, that we, wal-hamdulillaah, have established a non-profit store including a publishing wing, something we spawned (by Allaah’s permission) of the printing of our first publication “The Creed of the Four Imaams”, it is something we have invested in to create an outlet to support a student of knowledge, Imam and administrative staff. Our request to the community has consistently been “We have a target of $5000 a month”, from that amount is rent $2550 and other operational expenses/bills and janitorial. We have mentioned many times that if this target can be reached (of which we haven’t been able to get beyond $2500/month consistently) we have the resources and wherewithal (within TROID Publications and TROIDStore) to support a student of knowledge (to the range of about $2500/monthly). We do not want to make any false promises to any potential student of knowledge and then leave him destitute or in need or relocation after six months etc. so until this base of support for the building can be firmly established, we cannot move forward.
The deceptive writers of this document claim that “all the money is divided back to these two individuals” a slanderous claim, without proof and witnesses that could result in their flogging in an Islamic court – but let’s put that aside for a minute – if it is the case that these two brothers only have self-interest at stake, why on earth would they let the school leave when they agreed to pay $2500 (but refused to change the leadership and directive of the school moving forward), $2500 extra in the coffers should be in their self-interest, should it not? Why would they cancel the 2011 Summer Courses with Moosaa Richardson (something that generated $5500 for TROID last year), in favour of a free programme with the noble Shaykh, Muhammad Ramzaan (shouldn’t they keep the money flowing for themselves)? Rather the interests of the da’wah, integrity and uprightness were deemed uppermost.
The question could be asked, “Why not create a salary for a student of knowledge and remove the need for administrative staff, as a priority?” This can be done, however, it would cause a collapse in the very financial infrastructure designed to support that student of knowledge (TROID Publications and TROIDStore) in the first place, or consume that student of knowledge with being a salesman and administrator instead of a teacher and educator (that is, if he is even capable of that). Currently, ceasing the operation or progression of TROIDStore and TROID Publications would causes a collapse in the financial backbone of this local, regional and international da’wah organization (something the founders of this document would salivate at evidently). An organisation that has been free of debt since the inception of the masjid and running smoothly without interruption (although the writers of this document certainly want to interrupt it).
In a normal situation, the community is responsible for all expenses of running a masjid, it is usually 100% donation driven, this is the norm and understood. In such a scenario, the community is responsible for the building, its upkeep, all related expenses and the salary of an Imam and other staff (depending on the size of the masjid and its needs), we have never requested from the community, to provide a salary for a student of knowledge, administrator etc. although it is undeniable that these positions are pivotal to the running of the centre and organization. Our request has always been, and openly stated on the microphone, “help us to reach the target $5000/monthly (basic core expenses of the centre) and we can do the rest” because by Allaah’s grace, we have been able to strive and work hard to establish these financial outlets of support to relieve some of the burden from a hard-working and financially strapped community in a inner-city, poverty stricken neighbourhood, as our noble brother Abul-‘Abaas pointed out in a recent posting he made on Salafitalk.net (http://salafitalk.net/st/viewmessages.cfm?Forum=6&Topic=12439).
As our elder brother, Abul-‘Abbaas is a witness, we have sought to create a plan to host a student of knowledge for the last few years, something we have had detailed discussions with him about in the past – and the extreme importance of it in our city.

As for their slander:

“…all the money is divided back to these two individuals”This is a serious allegation, a bold statement not backed up with a shred of evidence. It is so serious in nature that it is something that we should pursue in a court of law, seeking prosecution of the claimants lest they back up their claim with proofs and witnesses, and if they were to broadcast this publicly, we will seek libel, and in the view of some of the Scholars, where a Shariah right is attainable through the law of the land, it is permissible to pursue and seek to redress that right if no other option is available. There are a couple of observations:

In another part of their document, they claim “no new brothers have been allowed to join (TROID),” if this is the case – how then could they ascertain, “all the money is divided back to these two individuals?” Or is it that you are lying?
They also mention, “There is no one to watch over their financial decisions. Ahmad Assing approves Umar’s activities, and Umar approves Ahmad’s.” If there is no one to watch over their financial decisions (other than them) as you claim, again, how do you determine that “all the money is divided back to these two individuals?” or is it that you are lying?

This is an organisation that has paid its bills on-time, month after month for more than seven years, since the masjid opened, the lights on, heating and AC on, no bounced rent cheques, a flawless record, no collection agencies or debters for the community to deal with, and an influx of beautiful programmes and activities (like the Summer Courses with Moosaa Richardson and the Seminar with Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ramzaan). It took us years to pull out of debt and mismanagement on the part of the Harun Cole and his directive, thousands in debt, an organisation floundering, spinning its wheels. We corrected this affair by Allaah's grace with hard work and kind cooperation from the community. We certainly do not want to return to a day where those who were irresponsible and incapable drowned the organisation in debt and inactivity. Those in the community who have watched the organisation grow, leaps and bounds can attest to the progress of TROID in comparison to the struggles and mismanagement of those who failed to direct the organisation both in terms of financial stability and thabaat (firmness) upon al-manhaj as-salafee. We certainly do not want to see episodes like the one below (from the year 2000) under the watch of some of these individuals who buried the community in years of debt, that set us back almost half a decade before we could pull out of it and open Masjid al-Furqaan (here is an old letter in relation to an outstanding property tax bill):


It was shortly after this notice that the organisation was forced to leave the facility of 1010 Weston Rd. (inability to pay rent/bills + fines and debts) and the organisation was relegated to the back of a cassette store on Dixon Rd., sharing with another tenant, with one computer and around 100 sqft of space to operate in and thousands of dollars in debt to deal with. It took us four or five years to recover from this debt and lack of leadership and structure on the part of Harun Cole (who was mudir). He eventually departed Toronto to establish a business in Jamaica, leaving the organisation in ruins. Now it seems that after years of pursuing business interests and abandoning the da'wah efforts in Toronto, after the ship has been righted and put back on course, they have returned to lay claim to this organisation as their own - after we wiped out their debt and failure. The intelligent person is not fooled.

08-01-2011, 07:33 AM
I confirm that any claims that I support this movement now or supported it at one time are absolutely false. From the very first time they sought my advice about these misguided tactics, I told them in the clearest of words - face to face - that it was wrong, and I do not support it. I have repeated this appeal many times, and I pray they come to their senses and stop harming the masjid, the centre, its people, and the image of our da'wah as well.

I can also confirm from my personal dealings that the TROID administration has tried diligently to bring students of knowledge to Toronto to live and teach on a permanent basis. And this was made clear to the claimants' representatives, and when I asked them quite simply: Which student was able and willing to come to Toronto, and the admin of TROID did not approve of it? There was no answer. So my advice was at that time (about six weeks ago): Is it fair to blame them for something like this? While they are actively pursuing a solution? And have you brought a candidate to their attention or tried to help solve the problem? (Their response: They don't know of anyone available.) Yet they go on using that against our brothers, proving they have no problem continuing in an accusation that they know full well is unfair and baseless.

It has become clear to me that they were never seeking my advice about their plans (as they claimed), rather they only wanted to remind me of some bad dealings from the past and hope that I would let my emotions lead me into signing on to their petition to remove the administration.

One of their main activists said to me, out of brotherly concern (as he said): "I am afraid that any further cooperation between you and TROID could seriously harm your reputation!"

I pray that Allaah prevents me and all of you from allowing our reputation to be the motive behind our actions.

I ask Allaah to reward our brothers for their patience in these trials, and to grant them success and stability upon the Truth, and His special protection from the hidden and open plans of these mufsidoon.

And for those sincere brothers who got mixed up with the wrong people: Make towbah to Allaah for the harm to your own community you have helped cause, correct your relationship with Allaah, and follow the example of the brothers who are realizing the reality of the hidden agenda and are now walking away. May Allaah grant you success.

08-01-2011, 07:43 PM
From all the previous posts, the respected reader will have realized the reality of the matter. Here we present a letter from the self-appointed "president", Aaron (Harun) Cole. Two of these letters were sent to the two brothers responsible for the day to day affairs of the center and masjid, and this particular one is the new president dismissing the old one!


The reader should understand this was a very carefully planned and orchestrated plot, worked out in great detail, and whose execution was intended with timing and precision. They had been working to garner as much support as possible through whatever means possible from the local community and the various du'at, using dissimulation, pretence, conniving, secrecy and the likes. Part of this was the paper-fraud they had to prepare for in order to freeze bank accounts and take over hosting and other such matters.

Remember that the individuals leading this plot were present in the early stages of TROID (10-15) years ago but either resigned or just disappeared off the scene and went their own ways to pursue jobs, wealth, or whatever it was, Allaah knows best. From that time we worked to bring the center and the masjid (not present in their time) to where it is now. It is therefore from the greatest of deception, treachery and Machiavellian politics that they popped out of nowhere and tried to excecute this audacious and what can only be described as a large scale hate-filled attack upon the da'wah operation. They were hoping that by the sheer momentum they aimed to initiate by winning support from the community and support from the various callers they approached privately they could quickly execute this plan and take control over all aspects of the da'wah, from the building, to the assets, to the bank accounts and so on, with the least amount of obstacles and barrriers. As part of this they had to get or claim support from the du'at and Scholar(s). By Allaah's praise, they have been exposed, and we don't know which Scholar(s) would support such treacherous and deceptive behaviour, because these culprits are claiming they have support from certain Scholars and Allaah knows best about the reality of the matter. No Scholar would ever knowingly support such actions. As for the du'at they approached, every single one of them advised them against what they were doing, but they paid no heed, not even to Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan who told them in their faces to stop this activity. No sooner had the Shaykh left, except that they continued to steam ahead in their corruption and mischief, from Allaah is all aid sought!

08-01-2011, 11:01 PM
An Open Letter to the Muslims of Masjid al-Furqaan (Toronto, Canada) from Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa Richardson (Summer Courses Instructor)

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever Compassionate...


Praise be to Allaah alone. May He raise the rank of our Messenger Muhammad and grant him peace.

From Moosaa Richardson to the Muslims at Masjid al-Furqaan in Toronto, Canada

As-Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

I pray that Allaah the Exalted blesses you and your families with increased sincerity and firmness upon the Truth, and that He unites your hearts this blessed month of Ramadhaan as true brothers worshipping one Lord, following one Path, with one goal - Salvation in this life and the Next.

"And hold fast all of you together to the Rope of Allaah, and do not be divided amongst yourselves. And remember the favor of Allaah upon you, that you were once enemies and yet He joined your hearts together, and by His Grace (alone) you became brothers, after having been at the brink of a pit of Fire, He saved you from it. Like this, Allaah makes His signs clear to you, so that you might be rightly guided." [meaning of 3:103]

When splitting occurs amongst those striving to follow the way of the Salaf, it is ONLY because the Shaytaan has led some or all of them to neglect important Islaamic principles, that protect and foster their brotherhood.

The Salafee call, the way of the Prophets, Companions, and righteous early imaams, is a path of honesty and clarity. Lying and deception does not aid the truth ever, dear brothers.

The Salafee call is a path of brotherhood, patience, and mutual advice. Stick with your brothers, and do not be divided. If you truly intend to see your brothers improve, then stick by them and patiently advise them. Our Messenger (sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam) said, what means, "The Deen (Religion of Islaam) is Naseehah (sincere advice)." We are all obliged by our religion to be patient, offer good advice, and receive it well from others. May Allaah grant us success with this.

In Toronto, as you know, there is a group involved in underhanded acts of treachery against your community, like initiating the freezing of the centre's bank accounts, issuing documents claiming leadership of the centre for themselves, trying to seize property from the very store that funds the community, and other misguided attempts to remove the current administration, harm them, or drive them away.

While only Allaah knows the extent of damage they have already caused the community and what they have planned for the future, they have managed to gain support from some of the honest everyday Muslims of Toronto, who are unaware of their real agenda. They play on emotions and capitalize on bad dealings, disputes, and arguments of the past. They misrepresent themselves as people who seek islaah (correction), claiming support from scholars and students of knowledge.

I have advised them directly on a number of occasions, in person, by phone, and by email, with clear and direct advice (that they sought from me), asking them to take the path of the Salaf, be patient, advise, work with the community, and not to cause division, disputing, and animosity. This remains to be my advice to them, if they are sincere and want islaah in truth.

In my opinion, the last month or more of ongoing strife, animosity, splitting, closing of the masjid, police in the masjid, etc. has been initiated and fueled by their stubborn neglect and abandonment of the advice they have requested. I plea to them to return to the advice they have requested from me, advice that will only lead them to good by Allaah's Permission.

I further advise the Muslims of Masjid al-Furqaan with the following:

1) Turn to Allaah alone, sincerely, repenting to Him alone, asking Him for guidance and stability. These trials are from our own sins! Allaah says, what means, "Corruption (evil, sins, disobedience, fitnah, etc.) has appeared on land and at sea because of what the hands of the people have earned, that He (Allaah) may cause them to taste some of what they have earned, so they might return (to Allaah from their wrongdoing)." [30:41] Flee to Allaah alone and seek refuge with Him from these trials.

2) Stand by your brothers in your community who have shown years of hard work and have built much for the blessed Da'wah of the Salaf in Toronto and elsewhere. Work with them, be brothers, correct their errors and advise them personally with what will benefit them.

3) If you are approached by one of the takeover activists, admonish him directly and clearly to fear Allaah and stop creating and perpetuating strife in the community. Many of you have already done this, and continue to do so, and I ask Allaah to bless you for your good deeds. Do not engage in debates or exchanges of bad manners with them, especially in or around your masjid. Simply advise them sternly, and then pray for their guidance in their absence.

In closing: Do your best to repel fitnah and rid your community of quarrels, disputes, and animosity, to the best of your ability. Work together in every good way, as Allaah commands us.

Allaah says, what means, "And cooperate (all of you together) in acts of righteousness and piety, and do not cooperate in acts of sin and transgression." [5:2]

And He says, what means, "O you who have eemaan! When you meet secretly, do not hold secret counsels of sin and transgression, and disobedience of the Messenger! Rather, hold secret counsels of righteousness and piety! And fear Allaah, the One unto Whom you shall all be gathered!" [58:9]

And Allaah swears by the passing of time itself that "Surely mankind is in a state of loss, except for those who have eemaan and perform righteous actions, advising each other with the Truth, and advising each other with patience." [Meaning of Soorah al-'Asr]

And Allaah knows best.

I pray that Allaah keeps all of you safe, and that your community can resume thriving with great cooperative efforts to spread our beloved da'wah. May Allaah raise the rank of our Messenger and grant him peace. Was-salaam.

(Written on the eve of Ramadhaan: 8/30/1432)


08-02-2011, 10:59 AM
May Allaah تعالى safeguard Masjid al Furqaan and the dawah of Troid from any trouble makers. Ameen.

It is a good masjid with good brothers who are dedicated to their work of Islaamic propogation.

08-03-2011, 03:05 PM
So far we have focused on the ground level activities of people like Harun Cole, Mikael Wilson, Said Ali, Vernon Khalil Brown, and we have seen the underhanded, deceptive and treacherous actions they have performed as part of the agenda to wrestle control over the markaz and the masjid by using paper fraud to freeze bank accounts, sieze the hosting and domain and attempt to steal the assets in the bookstore. We believe that they are supported at a higher, more tactical level by others who have ties to Madeenah.Com (as indicated by some of their supporters) and likewise who have connections to Tahir Wyatt and Zahid Rashid. It has been stated to us (and others) that they allegedly have support from Shaykh Wasiullaah and it is known that this same network of people have used Shaykh Waseeullaah over the years to wage their campaign against Maktabah Salafiyyah in the UK, after having failed with other Shaykhs. The intense hatred of these people was exposed recently through their dealings with Shaykh Falah Isma'eel on his recent trip to the US. We do not doubt for one second that the agenda against Salafi Publications and against Troid has common origins and shared personalities, the only difference being that they found us to be an easier target after having failed with Salafi Publications.

The picture becomes more clear when we evaluate the writings, statements, associations and actions of people like Tahir Farooq. Tahir Farooq is part of this group and is responsible for spreading a lot of the lies which helped to create the public cover for this takeover attempt. The most amazing thing is that people like Tahir Farooq have outwardly and openly maintained relations with us whilst knowing full well what is happening and being planned in the background, rather, been part of that very planning. This is a type of hypocrisy (nifaq), and many of the community members whom these people tried to draw in have now recognized this duplicity and two-facedness shown by these people.

In an email dated 1st August 2011 (two days ago), Tahir Farooq wrote to a brother in the Emirates stating the following:

Brother Said and Haroon are the rightful owners of troid.org and the organization according to Ontario law and Islamic principles of ownership. They took control of the website through completely legal way. It was Umar who called the company and caused this disruption.Allah knows best how blatant lies can be made in such a casual way on the very first day of the month of Ramadan, how these people have little wara' even after the devils have been chained.

Harun Cole was acting-president for a period although he was never on any official or legal paperwork. Harun was only added to the list of Directors on May 27th 2011 through electronic filing fraud, as a means of enabling the treacherous, corrupt takeover attempt and theft of assets. After playing the role of acting-president, he left around Summer 2000, eleven years ago and went to Jamaica to pursue business (confirmed by his former business partner). This was after the center was left in debt and pretty much in ruins, as we have explained in earlier posts.

As for Said Ali, then he was the original president from the incorporation documents in 1997. Yet he disappeared after a failed summer camp only a year later. A fundraiser at a mosque in April 1998 helped generate $10,000 for the organization. This was then used to organize a summer camp as a means of generating more revenue. However, Said made a private arrangement with a sister in the community allowing her to put up half of the money for the summer camp, turning it into a shared profit event. A lot of members quit because the da'wah centre was supposed to be non-profit, yet this was made into a for-profit event. The camp (July 1998) turned out to be a failure in all respects, logistically and financially. All the money raised was lost and even worse, in just a four month period, the organization fell into debt by $6000, that is from +$10,000 to -$6,000 in four months! In July 1998, immediately after the camp failure, Said abandoned the organization and was not seen until three weeks later, his appearance clearly indicating a weakening of his eemaan and this was coupled with the new talk around the town that troid had misappropriated some of the money invested by the sister. He was never seen until several years later, this time even weaker in his eemaan! I (Ahmad) saw Said Ali at the corner of Weston Rd. and Lawrence Ave. one day in 2002 and asked him when will he get back into practicing and so on. He replied "When Allaah makes my business successful, you will see me back in the dawah" Qadarullaah he never became successful with his computer business. When a person abandons ship and runs off like this, can it still be claimed this man is a rightful owner of the organization! Said Ali has only resurfaced relatively recently running his own masjid, inviting al-Maghrib Institute instructors and Tablighis to his masjid, as evidenced by the flyers used to promote these events.

Neither Ontario law and nor Islamic principles render these people as rightful owners of the organization, the domain, the website, the masjid or any of the current assets. This is because even if for argument's sake they had been serving officers or directors, the authorities have to be notified of all appointments and resignations by way of an annual return, and the annual returns from that time do not show Harun Cole nor Said Ali as officers of the organization. If they felt they were still part of the organization and had even the slightest connection to it, they would have made sure that their names were on the annual returns. Instead, after pretty much driving the organization into the ground in their own ways, they abandoned ship and pursued their dunya. So the truth is in fact the very opposite of what Tahir Farooq claims. As Harun Cole was never legally an officer of the organization, period and Said Ali went into hiding after 1998, hardly to be seen at the center for the next thirteen years, it is against both Ontario law and Islamic Law for these people to use paper-fraud, lies and deception in order to wrestle control of the center, the masjid, and the assets connected to them.

From that time walhamdulillaah, by Allaah's permission, we have worked to strengthen the da'wah and to branch out into different areas (publishing) and also opened Masjid al-Furqaan and the organization has been running completely debt free. To commence these recent activities (and throw the organization into debt) these people fraudulently used very old paperwork, when Troid was incorporated (September 1997) which contained the names of the two who officially resigned in November 1997 (Mikael Wilson and Vernon Khalil Brown) and Said Ali. This is paper fraud, because none of these individuals are, from a legal point of view, officers of the organization because the annual returns show otherwise.

Here is the original incorporation document from September 1997:


We see the names of Said Ali, Vernon Brown and Michael Wilson. As we proved earlier on both Vernon Brown and Michael Wilson resigned the very next month, their resignation letters are in the first post in this thread, and hence, they have knowingly signed fraudulent documents as part of this recent takeover bid. As for Said Ali, he abandoned Troid and went on his way, as we have explained, in 1998, short of a year later. As for Harun Cole, he has never been an officer of the organization in any legal capacity, period. Here is a sample annual return from 2005 where Ahmad and 'Umar (Anthony) are president and secretary respectively and have been for ten years since 2001. We along with Jama Hassan and other helpers have been running the centre since.


Therefore, Tahir Farooq's lie that Said Ali and Harun Cole are rightful owners of Troid is exposed walhamdulillaah, and this is just one of his many other lies that are being used in order to dupe the wider community into supporting the actions of treachery, deception and corruption taking place on the ground level.

As for Tahir Farooq's statement:

They took control of the website through completely legal way. It was Umar who called the company and caused this disruption. This reminds you of a certain group of people who dispossess another of their land, bomb them, demolish their homes, kill their children, steal their crops and then start playing and screaming the victim to the rest of the world to gain sympathy as if they are ones who have truly been wronged!

Tahir Farooq, Madeenah.Com and Shaykh Waseeullah

Tahir Farooq has associations with Ahrar Muhammad Sharif (a listed Madeenah.Com writer and translator and a signatory to the document used to initiate this discord and corruption within the community) and from previous interactions with him it is apparent that he, like Ahrar Muhammad Sharif, is upon the way and thought of Madeenah.Com, Tahir Wyatt and Zahid Rashid who are known to attack Salafis and scheme against them whilst remaining silent about the Ahl al-Bidah and often cooperating with the Hizbiyyeen, as has been noted by Shaykh Rabee' (refer to this thread (http://salafitalk.net/st/viewmessages.cfm?Forum=9&Topic=12547)) about some of them:

After I studied this matter, I found that he (i.e. Tahir Wyatt) was refuting Salafees in the West and harming them, and he would accompany those who were splitting the ranks of the Salafees. And recently some articles have been posted on Kulasalafiyyeen relating to this matter. These things are an indication of something. The next matter is that he refused to speak about Abul-Hasan al-Ma'ribee, but his soul allows him to rebuke Salafees. How is it easy for him to attack Salafees here and there and he finds it difficult to speak a word of truth about Abul-Hasan al-Ma`ribee. If he (i.e. Tahir Wyatt) was a Salafee, then this would not be his condition...

...This is my stance and the stance of Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree and Shaykh Falaah Ismaa'eel and others from the Mashaayikh concerning what has taken place of recent in America in opposition to some of the Mashaayikh in al-Madeenah who are not aware of his situation.This network (Madeenah.Com) has also been exposed and spoken of by Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabiree, Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee on numerous occasions (with very harsh words), Shaykh Ahmad Subay'ee, Shaykh Falaah Ismaa'eel and others.

What we would like to know is: Who are the people who have been liaising with Shaykh Waseeullaah in order to facilitate the actions of fraud, deceit, dishonesty and treachery at the ground level. Who are the individuals who have been asking questions and getting fatwas to justify this corruption. And where are these fatwas? We ask these questions because some of them are claiming they have fatwas from Shaykh Waseeullaah supporting them.

Being very generous and giving people like Harun Cole, Mikael Wilson, Said Ali, Vernon Khalil Brown an excuse and saying that these brothers would not get involved in these actions unless they believed (mistakenly) that all of this is correct, justified and supported by Scholars, then who are the people at the higher level who are misguiding these ground level people into thinking that paper-fraud, deceit, deception, treachery and organized theft is permissible because of what is perceived to be a higher, nobler aim which is apparently supported by Scholars with whom they are liasing for these people? We would like to see their correspondence with Shaykh Waseeullah who is alleged to be in support of this activity, and we would like these individuals to come forward and present themselves and raise their charges and accusations against us directly. If they believe we have such errors and mistakes in aqidah or manhaj that justifies their tactical support for this group by liasing with Shaykh Waseeullah for that purpose then let them come out and explain it all to us.

08-04-2011, 12:48 AM
We received the following via an email (on 2nd August) from a brother whose name was deceptively put on the list by the plotters of the attempted coup:

I have read the posts by TROID.ORG on salafitalk.com and I had no idea how far the deception from those certain individuals have gone. I was literally taken aback by their level of treachery and deviant actions, May Allah protect us from that. I also just read Musa's post on there and I'm happy he made his position very clear along with Dawud Adib. As some from amongst them claimed that Dawud Adib was "with them."

My name was put on the "list" by those individuals, but I was never ever contacted by them, NOR did I give anyone any permission to put my name on this list, and I just wanted my testimony to be in writing and to be made clear. And till this day I have never seen 'the list' (the report) or know of its true contents.

As Musa Richardson and Dawud Adib said they did not support them and they also did not heed the advice of Sheikh Ramzan, so it seems that their intentions were to get an answer that suited their needs even if it had no truth to it.

I also want to say that for my time in Troid and dealing with Umaar al-Irlandee specifically, I have nothing but good to say about the brother. In all my dealings with him he has been very responsible, professional, and most importantly, very brotherly to me. He ran Troid like it deserved to be run, from the online lectures for the Musa Richardson classes on wiziq, to the bookstore & book publishing, online bookstore, the donations, all the drives, and the day to day affairs.

May Allah protect the dawah in Toronto and to make Troid a brighter beacon of truth then it ever was and increase the brothers/sisters in rank on the Day of Judgement for putting the dawah ahead of themselves and sacrificing countless hours and money for the sake of Allah. Ameeen.

Your brother in Islaam, KhalidUpdate (05/08/2011): Khalid was informed by another brother who believed he had seen his name on the document, but this has now been questioned. This matter will be clarified in a separate post later in this thread. While this matter is clarified, it does not change the fact that many names have been used without their permission, agreement and consent.

08-04-2011, 04:03 AM
Assalam alikum wa rahmatullah wa baraktuh,

Jazakum allah khairan for keeping your brothers posted on this issue. We ask allah (subhanah wa tala'a) to safeguard all the salafi organizations.

08-04-2011, 10:36 AM
As we mentioned in our previous post Tahir Farooq is responsible for spreading propaganda and lies to the community in order create the cover and justification for the paper and electronic fraud, and aggressive take over bid using lies, deception and treachery. This has included making and spreading baseless allegations of financial misconduct as a means of whipping up sentiments and gaining support for their movement over the months and weeks prior to the planned coup. In this post we analyze this character a little more from his emails (the highlights are ours):

From: Tahir Farooq <tahir510@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Notice
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 10:17 PM

May Allah preserve you. I don't know if you are aware, we are in close contact with Shaykh Wasiullah and he has (along with other mashayakh) clearly mentioned the permissibility of using Canadian legal system to remove these individuals. Anyways, these guys have initiated this and wide opened this door by calling police on brothers for "trespassing" (a blatant lie, when Said, Mikaal, and Harun wanted to simply talk to Ahmed and there was no indication, intention or action of transgression involved) and threatening others with being charged with "trespassing". You are more than welcome to talk to Shaykh Wasiullah yourself and clarify this confusion. Otherwise its merely an opinion and for obvious reason we can not follow opinions. We now have it directly from Tahir Faruq that they (plural, "we are in close contact") with Shaykh Waseeullaah and it is clear that Shaykh Waseeullaah is claimed by them as a Scholar who has justified and sanctioned their actions at the ground level. Actions which the whole world can see (without any doubt whatsoever) from everything which has been mentioned already are illegal, against Ontario law, and involve paper and electronic filing fraud, false witness, attempted theft of assets and they think they are justified in doing so because the end justify the means and the Canadian legal system can be gamed through fraud and deception for the desired ends.

Notice Tahir's statement:

...these guys have initiated this and wide opened this door by calling police on brothers for "trespassing" (a blatant lie, when Said, Mikaal, and Harun wanted to simply talk to Ahmed and there was no indication, intention or action of transgression involved) and threatening others with being charged with "trespassing"...Compare this with his statement in another email on the very same day:

From: Tahir Farooq <tahir510@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 5:48 PM

As per the advice of our noble Shaykh Wasiullah Abass to take possession of the property of TROID (books, tapes, etc.), brother Harun, Said and Mikaal (original founders of TROID) notified Toronto Police regarding entering Masjid Furqan to take possession of the property of TROID. As we clarified ealier, Harun Cole, has never legally been part of Troid. As for Mikael (Michael Wilson), his resignation letter from the board of Troid is shown in the first post in this thread and that was almost 14 years ago! And as for Said Ali, then read post #17 above. He disappeared off the scene after driving the center into the ground financially and being put to trial in his deen. But notice the discrepancy and the great lie. In the second email Tahir Farooq says that they notified the police about their intention to take possession of the property of TROID. The only reason why you would notify the police is because you anticipate the situation is likely to get ugly and hence you give an up front notice to the police so that if and when they do arrive or are called they understand what is going on and will treat it as a civil matter and not get involved. Therefore, the outcome will be favourable to those who planned to take possession of the property. This shows a clear intent to seize property by force and that was the intention all along. They had a clear plan to confiscate the contents of the building (books, CDs, merchandise and other assets), just like they had attempted to take control over the bank accounts and website(s). It has come to our knowledge that they had a van ready for this purpose on the same day in order to remove the assets and transport them away for storage elsewhere. So look at the blatant lie of Tahir Farooq when he says in the evening of the 27th of July:

...these guys have initiated this and wide opened this door by calling police on brothers for "trespassing" (a blatant lie, when Said, Mikaal, and Harun wanted to simply talk to Ahmed and there was no indication, intention or action of transgression involved) and threatening others with being charged with "trespassing"... And yet just hours before, he explained in a group email:

As per the advice of our noble Shaykh Wasiullah Abass to take possession of the property of TROID (books, tapes, etc.), brother Harun, Said and Mikaal (original founders of TROID) notified Toronto Police regarding entering Masjid Furqan to take possession of the property of TROID.It looks like Tahir Farooq was trying to cover for the attempted and planned seizure of the property when word got out to others that this is what they had attempted on the 26th July and they received a negative response. So later in the day (in the later email), he tried to put the blame on Ahmad for calling the police! The end result was that the police were called and because the lease is not in any of their names, they were guilty of trespass according to Ontario law, and would also have been guilty of theft if they tried to seize anything (acting as they claim upon the advice of Shaykh Waseeullaah). For that reason the police told them to leave and cautioned them. A huge smack in their faces, and utter humiliation, after they were the first ones to involve the police! Indeed Allaah knows the mischief-maker from the true rectifier! Allaah, the Exalted stated in the Qur'an:

وَاللّهُ يَعْلَمُ الْمُفْسِدَ مِنَ الْمُصْلِحِ

And Allaah knows the mischief-maker from the rectifier (2:220)

And Allaah, the Exalted also said:

إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُصْلِحُ عَمَلَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ

Indeed, Allaah does not cause to prosper, the action of the mischief-makers (10:81)

And Imam at-Tabaree commented on this verse:

Meaning, He does not cause to prosper the act of the one who strove upon the earth with what He dislikes, and who worked disobedience (to Allaah) therein.And Imam as-Sa'dee commented on this verse:

And thus is the (case) with every mischief-maker upon the earth who contrived a plot or came with trickery, for his action will be invalidated and will perish, and even if his action achieved some distribution (spreading) for a given time, its eventual destination will be its fading away and annihilation.Had they proceeded through the legal system in the correct and ethical way, they still would have failed miserably because they would have had to corroborate all their allegations in court, with evidence, and this would be time-consuming, costly, and there is absolutely no way they would have got anywhere because the truth is not on their side and falsehood and mischief is with them and as for mistakes, then all of us are human, and there are ways and means to rectify things without creating such harm, mischief and corruption. They have not found within us any opposition to the aqidah of the Salaf, or any opposition to the manhaj of the Salaf, so that is a dead end there too. With their knowledge that they would have absolutely no grounds at all from a legal perspective for their fraudulent take-over bid, they, according to their own statements, claim to be justified, supported and guided in this matter by their close contact with Shaykh Waseeullaah and his fatwa(s) to take possession of the bank accounts, websites, and assets, through what they have employed of paper and electronic filing fraud, false witness and forgery.

Walhamdulillaah, they have not succeeded, because Allaah does not support or give fruition to the actions of paper and electronic filing fraud, false-witness (al-qawl az-zoor) deception, treachery, dissimulation, double-facedness, hypocrisy and striving for mischief upon the land. Whilst the community has suffered at the hands of these people, the eventual destination of their action will be annihilation (as explained by Imaam as-Sa'dee), and there is not even any need to say "inshaa'allaah" because the speech of Allaah has guaranteed it's occurrence already, it is a law in Allaah's creation that such actions do not bear fruits.

08-04-2011, 12:17 PM
In the email we cited earlier from Tahir Farooq, an instrumental player in this agenda, he alluded to "other Mashayikh" who have apparently advised them. They have already claimed that Shaykh Waseeullaah is their main reference point with whom they are maintaining close contact, as per their own statements:

From: Tahir Farooq <tahir510@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Notice
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 10:17 PM

May Allah preserve you. I don't know if you are aware, we are in close contact with Shaykh Wasiullah and he has (along with other mashayakh) clearly mentioned the permissibility of using Canadian legal system to remove these individuals.In another email Tahir Faruq writes:

From: Tahir Farooq <tahir510@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Fwd: reduced names and job description
Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2011, 8:26 PM

...Translation of the exact document that was shown to you has been shown to more than 5 scholars including major scholars...Here Tahir Farooq reveals that they have approached other scholars and that a translation of the document they were using has been shown to more than 5 scholars, including major scholars. This raises some questions, and we are assuming that Tahir Farooq is truthful in what he has said, the onus is upon him.

The first question raised is who are these "more than" 5 scholars. Please name them one by one, and everyone has a right to know who are these "more than" 5 scholars who apparently and allegedly support or sanction your activities. Please mention them and quote their advice or fatwa verbatim if you claim your actions are supported by them. Shaykh Waseeullaah, as per Tahir Faruq's claim, is their main reference point who is allegedly giving them practical advice according to their own statements, but who are these other Scholars who apparently sanction these actions?

The next question raised is that if there are "more than" 5 scholars, and some of them major scholars, then who is providing tactical and higher level support for this group (Tahir Farooq, Harun Cole and associates) by going to "more than" 5 scholars on their behalf. That takes time and effort as anyone knows when you try to approach Scholars, especially when you have issues like this. It appears there is a wider network of people who are facilitating things for these people on the ground level by approaching scholars on their behalf.

When these Scholars (if we assume there are "more than" 5 scholars) allegedly permitted "using the Canadian legal system to remove these individuals" did they mean: Employ paper and electronic filing fraud, use false witness (al-qawl az-zoor), attempt to gain access to the building through cunning and deception (by trying to confiscate the keys off those entrusted with them), attempt to steal the assets and so on? Alhamdulillaah, the center and masjid have been running in compliance with all legal requirements and it would not be possible for them to take any legal steps or measures in order to remove anyone. That is why paper fraud, electronic filing fraud, deception and lies have been employed. If the truth was with them and their claims were correct, they would have had enough claims and grounds, with all the evidence, to use normal legal procedures in order to remove those guilty of any wrongdoing. But that is a clear dead end, and they knew that well.

Assuming Tahir Farooq is truthful in this claim, this strongly indicates that there is a wider network of people involved and it is likely that there are people from Yemen and Madeenah (and elsewhere) who have connection to this fitnah in one way or another and are lending support to it within their own respective capacities.

08-06-2011, 11:19 AM
It is possible for a Muslim to possess and display characteristics which are those of the Hypocrites (Munafiqun) whilst still retaining his faith and not exit Islam. There are numerous hadeeths on this topic, "There are three traits, whoever possesses them is a hypocrite..." etc. There are brief works written which outline all of the traits of the hypocrites identified in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. From the greatest of them is what occurs at the beginning of Surah al-Baqarah:

وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لاَ تُفْسِدُواْ فِي الأَرْضِ قَالُواْ إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ

And when it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "We are only peacemakers." (Al-Baqarah 2:11)

When Harun Cole and his group started approaching the various du'at (June and July) as part of their propaganda campaign, they did not reveal their true and real intentions and what they had already planned in the background in the month(s) before (see further below). They claimed rectification. From all of the evidence that we have presented so far and also from all of the other evidence we simply have not had time to post on this thread, we can very broadly explain what was taking place:

There are from the main ringleaders of this group who are upon the way and manhaj of Madeenah.Com, and these people have been exposed and refuted by Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee, Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabiree, Shaykh Rabee bin Haadee, Shaykh Ahmad Suba'yee, Shaykh Falaah Ismaa'eel and others. This manhaj has been explained and illustrated very well by Makatbah Salafiyyah in their serious of articles:


This manhaj is illustrated in the actions of people like Tahir Wyatt, Zahid Rashid, and many of the writers and contributors to Madeenah.Com whose cooperation with the hizbiyyeen and support of them against the Salafis is well documented, alongside their attempts to undermine Salafis who call to clarity in manhaj and implementation of walaa and baraa for the Salafi manhaj, and Shaykh Rabee pointed out this evil trait, as we mentioned in post #17. We have absolutely no doubt that if this group had been successful in their treacherous plot, there would be cooperation with Masjid Khalid bin Walid (Ikhwani) and other mosques run by the hizbiyyeen. People like Tahir Faruq consider these masaajid to be masaajid established upon Salafiyyah and claim that there are tens of thousands of Salafis in Toronto. In his statement in an email dated Thursday, April 7, 2011 4:09:22 PM he had a problem towards not including "tens of thousands of general ignorant people" (his words) amongst the Salafis, and he tried to fight and argue this issue with us, and we explained that a Salafi is one who knows, understands and acts upon Salafiyyah in his da'wah and mu'aamalah and walaa and baraa and this is what we have learned from the Scholars, and mere claims and associations do not mean anything. But with this type of perception these people have, all doors of cooperation with the people of Hizbiyyah (who make a claim to being Salafi) are considered open and you then get the same Madeenah.Com type of manhaj in da'wah. You would also see Toronto representatives of Madeenah.Com on the scene (two of them are listed as signatories on the document used by this group), and you would start seeing an altogether different da'wah to the one that the community has benefited from in the past 10 years, which is a da'wah of clarity, not one of merely increasing numbers through a vague, wishy-washy type of Salafiyyah. Members of this group behind this recent takeover bid are on this same manhaj and we have evidence to establish this but this will be done in another thread or post insha'allah. There is definitely a manhaj issue behind this agenda and the various grievances these people have compiled together are simply a means to an end, the real driving force is something else.

Representatives of this group took their opportunity at the end of June at the New Jersey conference (17th-19th) to approach some of the du'aat to start canvassing and generating support at a wider level (above and beyond what they had initiated within the local community in the weeks and months before). Hence, they approached Abu Khadeejah, Hasan as-Somali, Dawud Adib and they attempted to approach Abul-Hasan Malik. They approached Abu Muhammad al-Maghribi who told them that "Umar and Ahmad are not here so I cannot listen to what you have to say". They tried to offer him a copy of their document but he refused. They also approached Moosaa Richardson in person (and via email/phone) as well as others. In these communications the aim was to gather support and sympathy whilst concealing the true and real intentions they had in the background.

While they tried to gain support from the du'at to show to the public they were liasing with Shaykh Waseeullaah who they say advised them to remove the current administration through legal means. The reason for the choice of Shaykh Waseeullaah is fairly obvious to the perceptive reader. They had to use a lot of lies, deception, two-facedness and outright treachery in order to conceal the real agenda while they worked to gain support at various levels (local community, the du'at and allegedly, some of the scholars) which was purely for public relations. To get support from the community, they started canvassing people and asking whether they had any problems with the two brothers they aimed to remove. After this ground level work, they compiled a deceptive document to make it look like the "community" wants change. This is what they took to the du'at. They also tried to contact other du'at overseas under certain pretexts and covers as a means to introduce the issue and attempt to win support and sympathy for their cause. This requires a separate post.

Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan al-Haajiree was present in Toronto at TROID in mid-July and this group had a meeting with the Shaykh just before he left. The Shaykh advised them clearly to stop what they are doing, but because this group had invested a lot of time, planning, resources, mobilizing people, doing a lot of groundwork, and were laying down plans for their instances of fraud and false witness, they had no intention whatsoever of heeding the Shaykh's advice. If you had been in that meeting, you would have clearly seen this to be the case from the demeanour, attitude and behaviour of people like Harun Cole towards the Shaykh. It was as if they had to tactfully overcome this hurdle of the Shaykh being there and being an obstacle in front of their plans which they had laid down at least from May. As soon as Shaykh Muhammad Ramzaan had gone, they simply continued full steam ahead, just as they planned all along, and they claimed they were supported by Shaykh Waseeullaah.

We should point out here the greatest of evidences which proves their deception and treachery all along. They had already committed paper and electronic filing fraud on May 27th 2011, and this was part of the overall plan they planned to execute in the months to come. This is why they made all the efforts to try and mobilize the local community and to win support from the du'at afterwards. In retrospect, it also explains why they had a very confident and almost arrogant tone.They believed that through these underhand tactics involving deception and paper-fraud, they had already succeeded. So whether the du'at agreed with them or not, it wouldn't matter, they would have already achieved their goal in the background anyway, or so they thought. This also explains their resistance to Shaykh Muhammad Ramzaan in mid-July. They had commenced their paper fraud, electronic filing fraud, false witness (al-qawl al-zoor), and treachery (from as early as late May). They used paper fraud and false witness to freeze the bank accounts, the intended result of which was that all operations are immediately terminated, leading to financial and other types of harm to the community which they cannot have been ignorant of; using paper and electronic filing fraud to change appointed officers of the organization; attempts to gain access to the building by trying to misappropriate keys and access codes; attemps to seize the property (as Shaykh Waseeullaah advised them according to their claim); using paper fraud and false witness to gain control of the domain, hosting etc. They had been hoping that by the support they anticipated, they could move very quickly and succeed in their operations whilst having broad support from the local community and the du'aat and as little obstacles and opposition as possible. And if they got no support, it would not have mattered, because through deception, they would have fulfilled their desired goals anyway. Machiavellian politics practically illustrated at their finest!

By Allaah's grace, their treacherous plot failed on almost all counts. Allaah, the Exalted said, "Indeed, Allaah does not cause to prosper, the action of the mischief-makers" (10:81), and as-Sa'dee said in his tafsir, "And thus is the (case) with every mischief-maker upon the earth who contrived a plot or came with trickery, for his action will be invalidated and will perish, and even if his action achieved some distribution (spreading) for a given time, its eventual destination will be its fading away and annihilation."As we stated in an earlier post, they have not succeeded, because Allaah does not support or give fruition to the actions of paper and electronic filing fraud, false-witness (al-qawl az-zoor) deception, treachery, dissimulation, double-facedness, hypocrisy and striving for mischief upon the land.

Over the past week, as we started exposing these vile and corrupt activities, their support began to fade, people started abandoning them, those whose names were fraudulently used to claim support for them began to speak out more and more, the community saw the scandal behind the paper fraud, false witness and other traits characteristic of hypocrisy. In just short of a week, their entire house of cards collapsed in and of itself, and now regular members of the community are telling them to "make tawbah to Allaah". Bear in mind this is after all the advice they were given by the du'at, and by Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan to their faces which they wilfully refused.

This now brings us to recent developments (which shows us how corrupt this group is and how Allaah, the Exalted, has exposed them even more), and they will be exposed even more by Allaah's permission, there is more to come.

When we realized what had been taking place behind the scenes of paper fraud, and false witness as a means to freeze bank accounts and seize property and assets, we approached a solicitor to seek legal advice about the situation and he gave us certain advice. In a twist of events, after this group and its evil intentions and corruption has been exposed to not just the local community but the whole world in the past week, we learned yesterday that they approached the same solicitor we originally went to for legal advice about the situation. Here is an email we received, (certain details removed) from this solicitor:

From: [removed]
Date: 5 August, 2011 4:53:45 PM EDT
Subject: possible mediation

Assalamu alaikum,,

I have been approached about the situation at the mosque by both sides of the ispute (assuming that there is only two) and so I suggest that the two parties try to mediate. I am prepared to offer my services as a mediator at a discounted rate from my regular rate. I understand the other side is willing to have me act a a mediator. Please advise if you are also acceptable and we can proceed with coordinating such sessions.

[removed] , LL.B., LL.M.A little explanation should be provided here to remove any misunderstanding that one might fall into by reading the above email: We never approached this solicitor for any mediation. We first approached him for legal advice on the situation. It just so happened that they went to the same solicitor. This solicitor, seeing two disputing sides, saw this as an opportunity to mediate and help out at a reduced rate. Of course it is business for him, but as he is a Muslim, he just wants to help the situation, so his intentions are good. But no one should misundertand that we are calling for mediation. There is no mediation with mischief-makers. There is only tawbah for them. Why is it that they not accept the advice and mediation of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ramzaan, Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa Richardson, Abu 'Abdullaah Hasan as-Somali, Abu Khadeejah, Abu Dihyah Dawud Adib and others. They moved secretly, treacherously, in Toronto and beyond, quietly and privately trying to rally support. Their two-facedness and treachery even reaching the level where whilst their representatives were approaching the du'aat in person in the New Jersey conference (17th-19th June) a representative of TROID was present in the same hotel, completely oblivious to what these people were doing, despite meeting and seeing them face to face during the conference. Only when the walls started falling down around them, to save what remaining face they have with an ever dwindling number of people do they now make false claims of wanting rectification and wanting only good. No one is fooled by this inshaa'allaah.

With this out of the way we can say: The evil of these people keeps getting deeper and deeper and how their actions are just like what Allaah, the Exalted said of the hypocrites, "And when it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "We are only peacemakers." (2:11). After all the paper and electronic filing fraud, deliberate false witness, deception, dissimulation, two-facedness, conniving, plotting they employed, they have now accepted a solicitor to mediate for them and are now reaching out to us to see if we are willing to accept mediation?!! Never by Allaah, there is no mediation with liars, transgressors, perpetrators of fraud and mischief makers who shun and abandon the advice of the du'at and Scholars and seek tribulation in the land. It is no different to what the general folk within the community are saying to the ringleaders, "Just make tawbah..."

And this is exactly what we say. Make tawbah to Allaah. Allaah has already made vain your plans, and the community and the world has seen the vileness in your actions. You claim rectification but intend mischief. Your actions are not sincere, you have proven to the world you are not sincere and that which is not sincere, never lasts. With nothing but scorn coming in your direction and people leaving you and your cause now fading away and facing annihilation, you should take relief in the fact that you are still in Ramadan which is a month of mercy, and in which you can reach out to your Lord, turn to Him with sincere repentance and seek forgiveness.

Dear reader: These people never took these steps at the beginning (seeking legal counsel). This would have been a dead end for them, because they had nothing that would stand up, and they knew that in any case. Knowing this, they chose to use the underhanded tactics of paper fraud, deception, two-facedness and so on as a means to effect their plan, which failed miserably, and all praise and gratitude is to Allaah. Their conniving and deception has not stopped. One should not think that this call for mediation is a change of heart from them, because we know the types of people involved in this group. This is just another step they are taking as part of the Machiavellian principle, "the ends justify the means." They are seeking mediation now because it is a last ditch attempt to salvage a badly damaged and ruined takeover bid, and when your mischief and corruption is exposed, the next step is to come across as wanting rectification and mediation. How appropriate is the saying of Allaah, the Exalted, once again:

إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُصْلِحُ عَمَلَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ

Indeed, Allaah does not cause to prosper, the action of the mischief-makers (10:81)

Imam as-Sa'dee commented on this verse:

And thus is the (case) with every mischief-maker upon the earth who contrived a plot or came with trickery, for his action will be invalidated and will perish, and even if his action achieved some distribution (spreading) for a given time, its eventual destination will be its fading away and annihilation.We ask Allaah to relieve the community of the harm and corruption of these people and to put the affairs aright by the end of this blessed month, from His mercy and justice. Ameen. On another note, we have received tremendous material support from the community maashaa'allaah, and we shall explain more at the appropriate time by Allaah's permission.

08-06-2011, 08:55 PM
We received this email earlier from one of the brothers in the community (Yusuf bin Frederick):

Date: 6 August, 2011 4:31:09 PM EDT
Subject: Fitna

Two months ago, I was shown a document by the brothers who started this fitnah containing a list of complaints, accusations, and a list of names. I was shocked to see my name on the list and I told them to remove it because I did not agree, and I know only good of Umar and Ahmed. I warned them of the harm, shortsightedness, and damage this would cause. After my name was removed I continued to advise them to leave this fitnah...

...How many years have they financially set back the community by freezing bank accounts and seizing websites? It is now ramadan and people can't benefit from the web sites Troid.org and Islaam.ca SubhanAllah you are blocking people from seeking ilm and dawah, not just in Toronto, but from around the world.

Whoever is still involved in this madness should return the websites and make taubah, the door for repentance is open. Stop harming the dawa, and making the hizbeez rejoice at the community splitting.

As for the salafis [of the community] we just want things to go back to the way they were. When I first came to the dawah, Troid was in a room the size of a closet. Now we have a masjid, and no one can deny the progress that has been made with Umar and Ahmed managing. I know them to be trustworthy responsible and helpful.

When I saw this list their were many names and I mistakenly thought I saw Khalid's name. I misinformed him that he was on the list. It was my fault and not a lie or mistake by Khalid or Troid. May ALLAH forgive me and let our community be one again. It is Ramadan the big shayatiin are locked up so what is left but pride.

Yusuf from the EastThat's a good point we have not made in this thread previously. How many thousands of people from around the world have been prevented from benefiting from the audio lectures, articles and other resources on the website(s) because of the corrupt actions of these people?!

08-09-2011, 10:12 AM
As salaamualaikum Wa RahmatuLLAH,

Firstly I bear witness that, with respect to their dealings with the brothers in the United Arab Emirates, I have seen ONLY Khair from TROID in general and then from the brother Umar specifically. May Allah Reward them and Aid them.

Secondly, To the diseased people in Canada looking to destroy the da'wah: The hypocrisy in your actions and your responses can be smelt till all the way here in the U.A.E. Your arguments are weak and it seems that you are digging deep into the haystack to find any needle you can to poke your brothers with. Fear Allah and repent for your actions.

Lastly, i thank the brothers at salafitalk.com for providing their platform for the much needed clarification for the people.. JazakumuLLAH Khair.

08-09-2011, 11:02 PM
It is extremely disappointing to see this disagreement and splitting and the harm that it has caused and continues to cause. I ask Allaah that He puts an end to this tribulation and returns the affair to one of unity and harmony, Ameen.

I read with interest the response of Harun Cole and his associates after following the posts in this thread, hoping to see another side of the story in order to make proper sense of what is going on in this confusion and discord. After reading the third document, I was surprised to see that Harun Cole and the brothers with him used a letter of recommendation written by Ahmad Assing in June 2010 for Said Ali. The purpose of quoting this tazkiyah was to defend Said Ali in his capacity as an elder and senior in the da'wah and to defend his integrity.

This is the letter:


Which is found in the following PDF file: 18

Before continuing, I should say that I do not know Harun Cole or Said Ali, I have never met them or spoken to them and I have no grievance with them and they have not harmed me in anything. Likewise, I do not know any of the others with these brothers except perhaps Maruf Kedir whom I have met and spoken to very briefly. I have had no dealings with them, and nor is there any grievance between me and them, and nor have they harmed me in any way and I hope I have not caused any harm to them in any way, despite the fact that I do not know them.

After this is clarified, the problem in Harun Cole's position is that by using this letter from Ahmad Assing, it is established that up to 2010 and afterwards Ahmad was the president, and Said Ali was happy to solicit this letter of recommendation from Ahmad Assing in his capacity as president. Just as Harun Cole and the other six writers of the document are happy to use this letter as evidence to argue for the integrity and da'wah efforts of Said Ali, implying they accept Ahmad Assing's writing of this letter in his capacity as president.

Ahmad wrote that Said Ali was president for five years (until 2000). If Said Ali was happy to accept this letter of recommendation from Ahmad Assing in his capacity as president and showed no objection to the content of the letter which states that he served as president for five years from 1995 (until 2000) and was therefore no longer president, and if Harun Cole and the brothers with him are happy to use this letter as proof to defend the person and integrity of Said Ali, it renders baseless the position taken by Harun Cole and those with him. By hastily using the above letter to defend Said Ali in a subsidiary matter (his historical da'wah efforts and integrity), these brothers have not realized the wider implication it has on their position as a whole. In my view, their position is highly questionable, if not suspicious.

The reason is their use of this letter leaves them no real choice but to claim Ahmad Assing was appointed fraudulently AFTER this letter of recommendation. This is because you can't approach Ahmad Assing in his capacity as a director or president and ask for a recommendation letter from the organization (TROID) for your own personal and private benefit and at the same time claim that Ahmad Assing's appointment was fraudulent and that he has no legal position in the organization. In fact, it is implied by your action that you acknowledge Ahmad Assing's legitimacy in the organization, otherwise you would not approach him in the first place. Unless of course, you are just a person of self-interests.

The brothers (Harun Cole and those with him) who wrote these recent documents against Ahmad and Umar stated (2nd document, page 1):

Readers should note at this point that Umar al-Hashimee has no legal position in this organization. His appointment as a Secretary and Ahmed Assing's appointment as the President were fraudulent, punishable by law.The question raised here is when exactly did Ahmad Assing and Umar al-Hashimee's appointments as president and secretary take place? It is upon Ahmad and Umar to provide evidence of the dates of their appointments and not to conceal these facts.

There are only three situations. a) Ahmad and Umar were appointed fraudulently as Harun Cole and others claim after June 2010 (after writing that letter of recommendation), or b) shortly before writing that letter of recommendation for Said Ali by months, or a year or less or c) a very long time before writing that letter of recommendation (five, seven, ten years). No matter which of these three situations are chosen, they all cause a huge problem for Harun Cole and those with him who have unwittingly used this letter thinking it is in their favour when it in fact undermines their entire position and seriously questions their entire story and their credibility along with it.

The first option a) is impossible. Since you can't be requesting a letter of recommendation from a president of an organization who hasn't fraudulently appointed himself as president of that organization yet such that he has the position and authority to be writing a letter of recommendation for you. The second option b) is not possible either, because why would Said Ali ask for a letter of recommendation from someone who has just recently fraudulently appointed himself as president? And if it is c) where Ahmad (and Umar) were appointed fraudulently a long time ago (five years, seven years, ten years), the question arises: Why has it taken Said Ali and Harun Cole all those years to claim these appointments were fraudulent? And if that truly was the case, why is it that Said Ali is happy to solicit and receive a letter of recommendation from the supposedly fraudulently appointed president, Ahmad Assing, in 2010? And why is Said Ali happy to put his name to a document in which it is claimed:

Readers should note at this point that Umar al-Hashimee has no legal position in this organization. His appointment as a Secretary and Ahmed Assing's appointment as the President were fraudulent, punishable by law.And from the time that Ahmad and Umar fraudulently appointed themselves as is claimed, where was Said Ali and Harun Cole in all that time. Were they involved with TROID? What were they doing for the da'wah at TROID? Were they involved with a fraudulently appointed director and secretary all that time and did not see it fit to start asking questions until 2011? What does the Salafi community in Toronto know of Harun's and Said Ali's involvement in the day to day runnings at TROID? If it is established that they continued to have involvement from the time that Ahmad and Umar were alleged to have been appointed fraudulently, then it undermines their position. And if it is established they had very little, if no involvement at all, and for all that time showed absolutely no rejection, and Said Ali was happy to solicit a letter of recommendation in 2010, then this puts a question mark over the motives of Harun Cole and Said Ali.

I ask each of Harun Cole, Ahmad Assing and Umar al-Haashimee to provide evidence for the exact dates of their appointments, so the relevance (or irrelevance) of these very important question becomes known, because through them I believe the truthful will be distinguished from the dishonest and untruthful.

This is just one issue (of many I have come across) which on its own, makes the position of Harun Cole and those with him highly questionable if not outright suspicious. If they have a good and acceptable answer to this, then alhamdulillaah, it is a misunderstanding on my behalf, and I would very much like to hear the explanation so that the questions raised here become non-issues. And if there are no reasonable answers, there is strong reason to doubt the motives of Harun Cole and those with him.

Finally, I advise myself firstly and then all the brothers and sisters to fear Allaah in this month, to correct and rectify their intentions and seek nothing but Allaah's pleasure, and to be truthful in every way, in intentions, speech and actions, and know that Allaah is watcher of what is both seen and hidden.

08-10-2011, 03:45 AM
Assalam alikum wa rahmatullah wa baraktuh,

Jazakum allah khairan for the continued clarification and announcements. How is the status of the masjid right now? Is it open and running as usual? I see that the website is still down, is there anything we can help you brothers with?

May allah protect all of the TRUE SALAFI organizations and safeguard them from the attacks ... Ameen.

08-10-2011, 12:58 PM
I have been associated with TROID since 1997 in the way of providing graphic support for the logo identity, book covers, flyers, websites, book covers etc. Although I don't live in Toronto, and cannot speak for day to day activities or inner organization details, I have had close contact with those involved with the current situation on both sides (some more than others) since 1997. What I found strange in the response from Harun Cole is that he constantly made reference to Umar Hashimee's residence in London, ON. The reason I found this strange is because Jamaica is quite a lot further away, and in the late 1990's Harun Cole left Canada for several years to peruse a business venture that included myself. Harun Cole was active in da'wah activities in Jamaica, but had no responsibility or connection to TROID as far as I'm aware. I remember the state of TROID when he left, it was reduced to a closet space type of area with no facilities and mounting dept. The hizbees in Toronto actually had a nick name for TROID back then, they called it Dis-TROID. As for other individuals utilized in this take over, Khalil Brown, has been MIA for several years before Harun even went to Jamaica so why is he currently significant? Likewise, Said Ali and anyone who has spent time in Toronto knew that Said did go through a trial with his emaan and was not involved with TROID for several years as well. So to attack Umar on this is quite hypocritical and brings the claimants integrity under question.

Another amazing claim is the misappropriation of funds, perhaps more clarity will be shed on the part of the current administration but one thing I can say is that usually the result of abuse of funds is a decrease in the facilities and financial up keep of the building and organization as a whole. This is because greed usually spirals out of control. I think anyone here in N. America who is truthful would agree, TROID is the most organized, financially stable, clean and proficient (in terms of quality of printed materials) Salafi markaz in N. America. TROID in it's most recent state (before disruption) had an excellent infrastructure, modern and effective. Quite amazing if you had seen the fall of TROID under the old leadership to its successfulness in the current years and all success is from Allah alone. In the USA we have been accustom to expensive gatherings of knowledge, with long drawn out sessions of fundraising, not so has been the case with TROID's beneficial programs. Furthermore, the exaggerated attack on an "outrageously expensive laptop" shows the sort of short sightedness the accusers have in terms of running an effective organization. The MacBook Pro that Umar has is the same as mine, a highly professional machine which is used for cutting edge production of graphics, video and audio. Recently someone was complaining about the poor audio of the Shaykh Ramzan visit to Toronto, why is that? Because the MacBook was stolen from Umar just before the program took place. Audio quality has never been an issue with TROID under the effort of Umar who is technically savvy and has insight on the importance quality. If our Salafi organizations and masaajid do not invest in such advance technology, our dawah will be behind as it is in many areas in the US. Lack of insight to this is an indication of incompetence on the part of these individuals, and Allah knows best. There is a lot more that could be said, but I think further clarifications from the members of TROID will do better then what I have to say, but I would say from my experience and business partnership with Harun Cole, if I were one of the complainants, I definitely would not support this individual to be in charge of TROID as I'm sorry to say but the truth needs to be said, he is incompetent for any leadership role and I fear that the term Dis-TROID would come to surface again under the Harun Cole administration. We seek the truth, so may Allah aid those upon it and expose and destroy those upon other than it.

08-10-2011, 03:52 PM
Abu Iyaad, we thank you for your feedback. Below is a document that is issued by the government of Ontario (Canada) called an annual return. I think we already posted it earlier in this thread. It shows the government's records in the year 2005. It shows that

A) Ahmad Assing was President in 2005 (and thereafter) and was appointed as such on April 12th 2001.

B) 'Umar al-Irlundee (Anthony) was Secretary in 2005 (and thereafter) and was also appointed on April 12th 2001.


This is evidence that both of us (Ahmad, Umar) had been president and secretary respectively for 10 years, 1 month and 15 days before paper and electronic filing fraud was committed on 27th May 2011 by Harun Cole's group.

I hope this answers the question and addresses the concern and provides clear-cut evidence that we were on legal paperwork for the organisation in the above capacities since 2001 according to government records. Also for your information, Harun Cole has never been on any legal paperwork, unless he can prove otherwise. Mikael Wilson and Vernon Brown resigned from the organization, we have their resignation letters dated 1997 and they had little connection to the da'wah from that point onwards. Said Ali left the organization more than ten years ago and is not on any legal documentation since then. If he claims he is, we would like him to show us the proof. Said Ali knows inside his soul he has no proof and he knows full well he left the organization. The community here can also bear witness that these people had little involvement with the da'wah from that time onwards.

We hope some way or some how to get the da'wah rolling again online with Allaah's help and the supplication of our Muslim brothers and sisters. ameen. We would also like to thank the global community for their support and for their supplications. May Allaah reward you all. As for the ground level alhamdulillah, nothing has changed. The community is together, tarawih prayer at the masjid is well attended and these brothers are now more or less isolated, whatever support they did manage to get has dwindled and faded away. We anticipate it is just a matter of a week or two, if not days, when they start infighting and pointing fingers at each other to escape the blame, and Allaah's words in Surah Yunus, "Indeed, Allaah does not cause to prosper, the action of the mischief-makers" (10:81) take effect.

08-10-2011, 05:15 PM
Just to make a correction on my part, Harun's departure to Jamaica took place in the early 2000's, it was a mistake on my part to say late 1990's. However, it still remains to be several years back. And just for further clarification, Khalil Brown had disappeared from TROID a few years prior Harun's departure. At any rate, these individuals were clearly void of TROID involvement for several years. And Allah Ta'ala knows best.

08-10-2011, 07:37 PM
We are pleased to announce the imminent launch of Troid.Ca (http://troid.ca)

19 (http://troid.ca)

We also apologise to the thousands of visitors who have been unable to access our online resources over the past 2 weeks, especially in Ramadan. It is a situation that has been pretty much outside of our control. However, as we resolve the situation, we are also working to restore the content on Troid.Ca (http://troid.ca/) for your benefit. Please bear with us, and we thank you for your patience.

08-10-2011, 09:41 PM
We are pleased to announce the imminent launch of Troid.Ca (http://troid.ca)

Jazakum allah khairan.

08-11-2011, 04:37 PM
Jazaakumullaahu khayran for that information, I didn't see it at first, but the document mentions the original date of appointment as 12th April 2001. If Umar and Ahmad have been appointed officers since 2001 and this is all official and legal and documented in government paperwork, and the da'wah has been operating like this for ten years, and this is known by Harun Cole and Said Ali, (which appears to be the case from the surrounding circumstantial facts), frankly, I can't find any words to describe their actions except very negative ones without actually saying them. Their unwitting use of this letter of recommendation for Said Ali in their rebuttal undermines their position, and it looks like Allaah caused these brothers not to see this despite the fact it is obvious to the onlooker.

When these brothers identified themselves as the writers and signatories to these recent documents which present their side of the story, they mentioned how long they have been with TROID. This must have been to help build confidence in the people for the cause they intended to pursue but it is something that works against them, not for them and undermines their position too. This is the list here as I found in their 11th document (I've removed some of the names, except those who are already the subject of discussion in this thread):

Said Ali (founder of TROID)
Aron (Haroon) Cole (founder of TROID)
[name removed] (approximately 13 years with TROID, ex-Imaam, ex-Shoorah member and ex-Khateeb (until recently))
[name removed] (approximately 9 years with TROID, ex-Shoorah member, ex-volunteer in several departments)
[name removed] (approximately 7 years with TROID, ex-volunteer in TROID store and Audio department)
[name removed] (approximately 8 years with TROID, ex-volunteer)
[name removed] (approximately 5 years with TROID, ex-volunteer)
[name removed] (approximately 5 years with TROID, ex-volunteer)

Accordingly, every person in this list has spent at least five years with TROID. This means that each and every single one of these brothers spent at least five years at TROID, knowing full well that Ahmad and Umar are president and secretary respectively, happily working alongside them for all that time (between 5 to 10 years), interacting with them, spending time with them, co-operating with them, never making any such claim that they are making now in 2011. They served in the capacity of imaam or shooraa member or volunteer or worked in the store or gave khutbah for these respective time periods (five to ten years from after April 2001) and they never said anything about Ahmad and Umar having been appointed fraudulently as far as I am aware. Said Ali even solicited a letter of recommendation from Ahmad in his capacity as president in June 2010, which is less than a year before these recent activities commenced from what I have gathered so far. These brothers were happy to use this letter of reccommendation to defend Said Ali in their recent documents not realizing that it undermines their cause. Hence, in my view, when each one of them put their name to this statement:

Readers should note at this point that Umar al-Hashimee has no legal position in this organization. His appointment as a Secretary and Ahmed Assing's appointment as the President were fraudulent, punishable by law. I cannot see this except as false witness, Allaahul-Musta'aan. Allaah, Exalted said:

وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَشْهَدُونَ الزُّورَ

And those who do not witness false speech (25:82)

And He also said:

فَاجْتَنِبُوا الرِّجْسَ مِنَ الْأَوْثَانِ وَاجْتَنِبُوا قَوْلَ الزُّورِ

And shun the abomination of idols and shun false witness (22:30)

And Ibn Katheer narrates, regarding this verse:

وقال سفيان الثوري ، عن عاصم بن أبي النجود ، عن وائل بن ربيعة ، عن ابن مسعود أنه قال : تعدل شهادة الزور بالشرك بالله ، ثم قرأ هذه الآيةAnd Sufyan al-Thawri said, from Aasim bin Abi al-Nujud, from Waa'il bin Rabi'ah, from Ibn Mas'uud that he said, "False witness is put on the same level as Shirk with Allaah", then he recited this verse.And Abu Bakrah (radiallaahu anhu) reported:

قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: (ألا أنبئكم بأكبر الكبائر؟) ثلاثاً، قلنا: بلى يا رسول الله، قال: الشرك بالله، وعقوق الوالدين، وكان متكئاً فجلس، فقال: (ألا وقول الزور، ألا وشهادة الزور) فما زال يكررها حتى قلنا: ليته سكت"The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said, "Shall I not inform you of the greatest of the major sins?" We said, "Of course O Messenger of Allaah." He said, "Associating partners with Allaah, being undutiful to one's parents," [saying this whilst] he was leaning, but then he sat up and said, "And indeed, false speech, indeed, false witness" and he never ceased repeating this until we said, "If only he became silent." Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.And I fear the following, the statement of the Messenger (alayhis salaam), with respect to them and their fasting, may Allaah protect me and the Muslims from it:

من لم يدع قول الزور والعمل به فليس لله حاجة في أن يدع طعامه وشرابه"Whoever does not leave off making false speech and acting upon it, then Allaah is not in need of him leaving his food and drink." Reported by al-Bukhari.I think these brothers have unfortunately been greatly misled in their actions and must stop and seriously reflect upon this entire episode for the benefit of their own souls. I am only pointing out what is very obvious at first glance from what these brothers have written themselves. They have undermined their own cause without anyone else even needing to do so. I ask Allaah to end this discord, to rectify the affairs, to strengthen the da'wah of TROID in the call to Tawhid, Sunnah and Salafiyyah and to make it even bigger, stronger and better than what it was before this discord, Ameen.

08-12-2011, 02:58 PM
We are pleased to announce that
www.troid.ca (http://troid.ca/)

is now LIVE! We once again apologise for the inconvenience caused to our global audience of tens of thousands who have been unable to access our websites. That was the handiwork of others and was outside of our control. The entire site is now back and you can benefit and enjoy. All praise and thanks is due to Allaah for this joyous occasion.

08-12-2011, 04:12 PM
The past few days have seen some interesting developments. After planning their doomed and disastrous takeover bid (using deception, paper and electronic fraud, false witness and attempted theft of assets of the organization) from at least May of this year, these brothers are now letting off their steam one by one in very revealing emails (indicating frustration) that are being sent amongst themselves and to us. "We only wanted islaah" is the slogan now after three months of a very determined and concerted effort to achieve their goals using very underhand and dishonest tactics despite being advised by those du'aat whom they approached and despite being advised by Shaykh Muhammad Ramzaan.

Dear readers! We do not want this to go on any longer and we don't want to spend time writing these posts away from other more important things. But the continued audacity of these people and the fact they continue to play games is something we cannot remail silent about. If they simply said, "We make tawbah, we are sorry for harming the da'wah, we apologise" alhamdulillah, the chapter is closed. Instead we see more games. One by one they appear to be jumping off the ship and finding ways to justify their actions or to deflect blame.

They had three simultaneous operations taking place.

The first one was the Machiavellian one involving fraud, deception, dissimulation where they tried to game the Canadian legal system by paper and electronic filing fraud which they had commenced at least before May 27th. This was being done behind the scenes and was kept under their own noses.

The second one was the public relations operation where they were building up support and sympathy from the public community and by sending delegates to present their case to the du'aat both here in the West and in Saudi. Pay attention, this is after their filing fraud behind the scenes in May. Knowing well what they were planning behind the scenes they began approaching the du'aat, a clear sign of deliberate dishonesty.

The third one was to try and get something from one of the Shaykhs. Because people like Tahir Farooq (a main instigator and primary ringleader) are diseased with the Madeenah.Com disease and are upon the manhaj of people like Tahir Wyatt, Nadir Ahmad, Ahrar Muhamad Sharif and others, they chose to approach Shaykh Wasiullaah who they allege gave them a fatwa to seize property.

Now that this operation has failed miserably, and clear evidence of their dishonesty is being pointed out to them publicly and in private, we can see the chameleon-like changes taking place. They are bringing out the excuses, statements like "We only wanted islaah..", "We recognize we made some mistakes...", "We should not have involved certain people...", "How can islaah be made when we are being attacked..." Signs of desperation and despair. Didn't you think of these things when you were deeply involved in deceptive actions behind the scenes and showing two faces to the du'aat, claiming to seek advice and rectification, yet working mischief in the background with an already calculated, determined plan of action?

The filing fraud did not work and failed. Despite the fact that bank accounts were frozen, it has not affected the running of the center, masjid or da'wah significantly, even if we had a period of closure for a few days, and even though we have not had access to those funds, the community and others have stepped in to help tremendously (may Allaah reward them)! This band of people failed to take over the domain and website completely, even though they managed to deprive tens of thousands of people from benefiting from the sites for a few weeks. They failed to seize property. Whatever support they managed to get from the community dwindled and faded about thirty times as rapidly as it took them to acquire it in the first place when the community realized their dishonesty. On almost all counts they have completely failed. "Indeed, Allaah does not cause to prosper, the action of the mischief-makers" (10:81)

There are no options left except to play the weak, downtrodden, oppressed party who only ever wanted islaah and who is now being wrongly attacked!! "How on earth can we have islaah when we are being vilified" they protest! We are not going to accuse each and every single one of them individually for being guilty of each and every thing that has transpired, but each one of them have a share in certain things even if they may be free of others. They are all guilty and responsible for this mischief to certain degrees and they all know the particular part and role they have played. There is no doubt Shaytan was part of their group. He loves discord and mischief and is very glad to be the unofficial, unannounced and uninvited partner in any such venture. If they had sincere intentions and truly wanted islaah from the very beginning, they would have made absolutely sure Shaytan was not going to gatecrash. From the looks of things, they left the door wide open and cared little. Now that they have realized this, these emails are being circulated. But still no sign of remorse and saying sorry for the harm they wrought and making tawbah for this evil conduct. They are trying to brush everything they have done under the carpet, and making a claim of wanting islaah. That is not the story they took to the du'aat. Rather, they went to the du'aat trying to get support for our removal with nothing about islaah (in Mid June). They were given advice by the brothers and Shaykh Muhammad Ramzaan which they squarely rejected and now they say "We want islaah!"

At the end of it all, it did nothing to harm us or the da'wah except for creating a little inconvenience. The only true harm they have brought is upon themselves. Out of pity and mercy, we ask Allaah to remove them from the blindness they are in and grant them success in making tawbah for this evil conduct.

We are continuously grateful and thankful to Allaah throughout these unfortunate proceedings and we are also grateful and thankful to the community who have offered tremendous support both locally and globally and both spiritually and also materially. We can only say that the da'wah, even though it had a hiccup, has not been harmed in the least alhamdulillah, and we are determined to make it stronger. We are in need of your supplications, jazaakumullaah.

08-13-2011, 03:07 AM
Alhamdulillaah hamdan katheeran tayyiban mubaarakan feeh,

It is a great relief to be informed of this good news.

This shocking fiasco was deeply disturbing to me, especially since I was one of the multiple people who were taken advantage of by this misguided band of "activists" (when they added my name in falsehood to their 'petition') even though I'm on another side of the continent with regards to Canada. Alhamdulillaah, distance is not an issue when an oppressed slave supplicates to his Lord.

I hope they stop worrying about saving their faces in front of the people and concern themselves with saving their faces from the Fire. If they truly want to remove humiliation from themselves, then they should know that Allaah endues with honor whom He wills and He humiliates whom He wills. In His Hand is the good, and He is able to do all things.

May Allaah rectify our condition and our affairs and protect us from every evil mannerism and from bad character and from being deceived or deceiving others.

08-13-2011, 02:02 PM
Allaah has said,

O you who believe! Endure and be more patient..(Sooratul-Imraan 200)

Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning.(Sooratuz-Zumar 10)

And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives, that would truly be from the things recommended by Allah.(Sooratash-Shoora 43)

Seek help in patience and As-Salat (the prayer). Truly, Allah is with As-Sabirun (the patient).(Sooratul-Baqarah 153)

And surely, We shall try you till We test those who strive hard (for the Cause of Allah) and As-Sabirun (the patient)(Sooratul-Muhammad 31)

Abu Sa`id and Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
That the Prophet (Sallallaahu alayhi was-Sallam) said: "Never a believer is stricken with a discomfort, an illness, an anxiety, a grief or mental worry or even the pricking of a thorn but Allah will expiate his sins on account of his patience".

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Prophet (Sallallaahu alayhi was-Sallam) passed by a woman who was crying over a grave and said, "Fear Allah and be patient.'' She said, "Away from me! My calamity has not befallen you and you are not aware of it.'' The woman was later told that it was the Prophet (Sallallaahu alayhi was-Sallam) (who had advised her). She came to his door where she found no doorkeeper. She said, "(I am sorry) I did not know you.'' Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu alayhi was-Sallam) said, "Patience is (becoming) only at the first (stroke) of grief".

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
That The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu alayhi was-Sallam) said, "He whom Allah intends good, He makes him to suffer from some affliction."


Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu alayhi was-Sallam) said, "When Allah intends good for His slave, He punishes him in this world, but when He intends an evil for His slave, He does not hasten to take him to task but calls him to account on the Day of Resurrection.''


'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu alayhi was-Sallam) at one time when he confronted the enemy, and was waiting for the sun to set, stood up and said, "O people! Do not long for encountering the enemy and supplicate to Allah to grant you security. But when you face the enemy, show patience and steadfastness; and keep it in mind that Jannah lies under the shade of the swords.'' Then he invoked Allah, saying, "O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the Confederates, put our enemy to rout and help us in over-powering them."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Alhamdulillaah our mashaykh have advised the Salafi's in USA, Canada, UK & Europe (& maybe elsewhere for that matter) to work alongside our brothers at Troid & likewise vice-versa! It is clear they have firm & established links with the Scholars of ahlus-Sunnah and refer back to them.

So we ask our brothers at Troid to welcome this fitnah as it's proof they are upon the straight path in calling. A known Salafi Daa'ee (of whom I forget who it was) said "...should we i.e Ahlus-Sunnah NOT expect to be harmed when The Prophets & The Messengers were harmed...?"

History brings forth the present & from what we have seen whether in USA, UK & EUROPE & ARAB states is that when these people (the people who hide behind Salafiyyah) are always exposed in the end and shamed. Which concluded to those whom they fought against either with lies, deceipt or even treachery have become stronger... So we ask Allaah to make our brothers at http://troid.ca stronger through this experience.

Allaahumma aameen!

08-16-2011, 12:41 AM
All praise is due to Allaah. We would like to update our brothers and sisters on the latest situation considering that we have tremendous support from the global community. We continue to ask Allaah to reward you all. As you know, we have got the website functional again on www.troid.ca (http://www.troid.ca), and we are slowly taking care of the financial obligations of the center and masjid after being thrown in debt on account of the evil actions of the aforementioned party. While not damaging our da'wah efforts, it has caused some inconvenience which by Allaah's aid we shall overcome shortly. In the meantime we are also moving ahead with the da'wah walhamdulillaah.

As for troid.org the situation right now is one of deadlock and the registrar has stated that it requires a court decision. We have come to learn that Harun Cole, Said Ali and associates have used as much deception and underhanded tactics they were able to, because the domain was the only real thing they had going for them, until that also became a setback for them when it was disabled and locked. In order to deceive the registrar into supporting their side Harun Cole, Said Ali or those with them were stealing from our mail box. In fact to pull off the various paper and filing frauds they were involved in, they were in need of paperwork like utility bills etc. This explains why they started stealing our post. We actually did notice a few weeks back that post was not being received. When speaking to the domain registrar it was revealed that Harun Cole and associates stole a recently dated Enbridge gas bill from our mail box and presented it as evidence that they are responsible for paying bills! This was to convince the registrar that they are the real owners of the domain!


This, by Allaah, is utterly despicable and it shows how low people are willing to go in order to follow their lusts and desires. They know inside their souls they have had no practical role in the running of the center and masjid since the time they left, and to steal what does not belong to them and which they have no right to establishes them as thieves in addition to liars and fraudsters. Now we know what the Shariah says about stealing, what does Canadian law state about this action?

3. Mail-related Offences (clause 6)

The postal system is a gold mine of personal information. Through it pass bank and credit card statements, a wide variety of government documents, and pre-approved credit applications. The theft of mail is thus becoming a favourite activity for those who want to obtain identity information illegally.

At the present time, section 356(1)(a)(i) of the Code deals with the theft of any thing sent by post, after it is deposited at a post office and before it is delivered. Under clause 6(1), a person will also be committing a theft of mail if he or she steals a thing after it has been delivered but before it is in the possession of the addressee (new section 356(1)(a)(i) of the Code).

In addition to stealing mail, some criminals will illegally divert another person’s mail. They do this by submitting a forged change of address notice to a body that has sent out a statement (for example a bank or credit company) or by using Canada Post’s general change of address (forwarding) service. In addition to obtaining a host of personal data, such criminals can also gain time for pursuing fraudulent activities without the victims' knowledge. Clause 6(1) tackles this problem by creating the offence of fraudulently redirecting mail (new section 356(1)(c) of the Code).

This provision also creates the offence of making, possessing or using a copy of a Canada Post mailbox or other key with intent to commit a mail-related offence (new paragraph 356(1)(a.1) of the Code). The Codealready covers the theft of such a key.(26)

The mail theft offences in the Code are treated as indictable offences. Clause 6(2) makes mail-related offences hybrid offences. The maximum sentence remains 10 years' imprisonment.Further, consider this dear Muslim! Because they have stolen the bill, we cannot pay it. And if it is not paid, then we will incur interest! So either the thief pays the bill, otherwise if we receive a penalty of interest on an outstanding bill, we will post it here so the world can see exactly what the definition of islaah (so claimed rectification) is with Harun Cole, Said Ali, Tahir Farooq, Ahmad Geddy, Maruf Kedir, Yaqub Amadei, Yerbol Kerimov and Hamzah Beyle who are the group collectively involved in and colluding in paper and electronic filing fraud, deception, dissimulation, two-facedness, and now added to their portfolio is stealing! At least one of them is a thief for sure, and maybe more if there was collusion. We would like to see how much taqwaa each one of them has by seeing which one of them has the manhood and courage to identify the thief (or thieves) amongst them and bring him (or them) to justice and to disavow themselves from this action! What a way to further slaughter your reputation after it has already been suicided - by entering oneself into the ranks of thieves! Or do they feel these types of actions are perfectly justified because Shaykh Wasiullah (allegedly, as they claim) advised them "to take possession of the property of TROID..."

From: Tahir Farooq <tahir510@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 5:48 PM

As per the advice of our noble Shaykh Wasiullah Abass to take possession of the property of TROID (books, tapes, etc.)...Our complaint is to Allaah, and Allaah will indeed establish justice.

08-16-2011, 04:14 AM
Assalam alikum wa rahmatullah.

Jazakum allah khairan for the continued exposure of those individuals.

08-16-2011, 12:28 PM
Play audio: http://www.salafitalk.com/uploads/2/23.attach

Arabic transcript:

من عبيد ابن عبد الله ابن سليمان الجابري إلي فضيلة الأخ عمر الإرلاندي و إخوانه أعضاء مجلس الإدارة في مسجد الفرقان, تريد بالكندا.
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته...
و بعد...
فإني أحمد الله إليكم أن بلغنا هذا و إياكم الشهر شهر رمضان ,الشهر العظيم المبارك الذي يتنافس فيه المؤمنون في الصالحات رجاء مضاعفة الحسنات و تكفير السيئات و رفع الدرجات.
أذكركم أبنائي بما كنتم عليه في سابق عهدكم منذ السنوات من التعاون على البر و التقوى و إسهام جيد في نشر السنة في مدينتكم و بما بلغني عنكم من الثناء الحسن و ذكر الجميل بين إخوانكم أهل سنة.
أحذركم بنيي من نزغات الشيطان و حظوظ النفس.
قال الله تعالى:
﴿ و قل لعبادي يقولون التي هي أحسن إن الشيطان ينزغ بينهم إن الشيطان كان للإنسان عدوا مبينا﴾
(الإسراء: 53)
بنيي الكرام نصيحتي لكم بإجتماع كلمتكم على ما كنتم عليه من التعاون في خدمة المسجد. و قد بلغني من الثقات أنن الأخ عمر الإرلاندي هو مفوض من قبل بقية إخوانه أعضاء مجلس الإدارة بإدارة هذا المسجد و التعقيب على معاملات الرسمية و كان بقية إخوانه معاونين له.
هذا ما أنصحكم به و أذكركم به و أوصيكم العودة إليه. و أن لا تغتروا بالفتانين, فأينما وجدوا فإنهم يشعلون نار الفتنة و يقذفون في الصدور العداوة و البغضاء حتى تتفرق كلمة المتحابين في ذات الله و المتآلفين في ذات الله. و يكذبون على بعض أهل العلم في سبيل ذالك لا سيما من ليس عنده علم بأحوال الناس و ليس عنده استعداد لتحقيق في الأمر الباعث علي الفتنة.
بالختام أقول لكم إذا أشكل عليكم أمر من ألأمور؛ فسارعوا برفع ما أشكل عليكم و خشيتم منه أن يحدث فرقة و تفككا إلى من تثقون به من أهل العلم. و أنا على استعداد - إن شاء الله - للنظر فيما يبلغني من قضاياكم منكم شخصيامشافهة أو من طريق بعض أهل السنة الثقات. و سوف تجدون مني - إن شاء الله - اسهاما في حلها بما يرضي الجميع.
و أسأل الله الكريم رب العرش العظيم أن يعصمنا وإياكم بالسنة و يجنبنا الفتن. و صلى الله و سلم على نبينا محمد و على آله و صحبه أجمعين.
أخوكم في الله عبيد ابن عبد الله ابن سليمان المدرس بالجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة النبوية سابقا
و كان تسجيل هذه الرسالة: بعد فجر يوم الجماعة الثاني العشر من شهر رمضان عام اثنين و ثلاثين و أربعمائة و ألف و الموافق لثاني عشر من أغسطس عام أحد عشر و ألفين.
و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته.

English translation:

From Ubayd bin Abdillaah Ibn Sulayman al-Jaabiree to the respected brother, Umar al-Irlandee and his brothers, members of the administration of Masjid al-Furqaan, Troid, Canada.

As Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatu, to proceed:

I [convey] praise [of] Allaah to you in that this month has reached us and you, the month of Ramadan, the great blessed month in which the believers compete in righteous deeds hoping for multiplication of deeds, expiation of sins and raising of ranks.

I remind you my sons with what you used to be upon in prior times, since many years (ago), of cooperation upon righteousness and piety and good participation in spreading the Sunnah in your city and with whatever has reached me of good praise and beautiful mention between you brethren [from] Ahl al-Sunnah.

I caution you, my sons from the whisperings of the Shaytan and the the desires (hudhoodh) of the soul. Allaah,, the Exalted said, "And say to my servants that they speak with that which is best. Indeed Shaytan does sow discord between them, Shaytan is a clear enemy to man" (17:53).

My noble sons, my advice to you is to unite your word upon what you used to be upon of cooperation in aiding the mosque. It has reached me from trustworthy (people) that the brother Umar al-Irlandee has been delegated by his brothers, members of the administration, to oversee this mosque and to oversee the main activities, and the rest of his brothers were cooperating with him [in this regard].

This is what I advise you and remind you with, and I advise you to return to this (affair), and that you should not be deceived by the mischief-makers, for wherever they are found, they kindle the fire of tribulation, and they throw enmity and hatred into the hearts until the word of those who love each other for the sake of Allaah, and show affection for the sake of Allaah is split. And they lie upon some of the people of knowledge as a means to that (end), especially to the one who has no knowledge of the (true and real) conditions of the people and he is not prepared to verify the true and real motive behind the tribulation.

In closing, I say to you that when an affair amongst the affairs becomes problematic for you, then rush to raise whatever has become problematic for you, and which you fear might bring about separation and splitting, to whomever you trust from the people of knowledge. I am prepared personally - if Allaah wills - to look at whatever has reached me about your affairs, directly, or through some of the trustworthy of Ahl al-Sunnah. And you will find me - if Allah wills - prepared to resolve them with what satisfies all.

I ask Allaah, the Generous, the Lord of the Mighty Throne, that He fortifies us and you with the Sunnah, and makes us far-removed from tribulations. May Allaah send prayers and peace upon our Prophet Muhammmad, his family, and all his companions.

Your brother for the sake of Allaah, Ubayd bin Abdillaah bin Sulayman, former teacher at the Islamic University of al-Madinah al-Nabawiyyah.

The recording of this message was done after Fajr (prayer) on the day of Jumu'ah, 12th of Ramadan of the year 1432H corresponding to 12th August 2011.

Was salaamu alaykum warahmatullaah.

08-16-2011, 07:11 PM

Shaykh Ubayd, may Allah preserve him, mentioned:

In closing, I say to you that when an affair amongst the affairs becomes problematic for you, then rush to raise whatever has become problematic for you, and which you fear might bring about separation and splitting, to whomever you trust from the people of knowledge...

This statement shows the people of knowledge are not interested in calling to themselves. Rather, their concern is the benefit of the Muslims and the truth being upheld.

May Allah protect the scholars from the tongues of oppressors!

Your Brother,

Abu Adam

05-05-2012, 01:18 AM
Where are they now?

Almost a year after their overthrow attempt aided by madeenah .com, where did some of these individuals end up? And what were their true intentions? As the old saying goes "A picture says a thousand words"


09-15-2012, 10:14 PM
We would like to thank all those who contacted us in concern for the da'wah in Toronto and Canada at large over the last year. al-Hamdulillaah, the individuals involved in the treacherous debacle aforementioned were not successful. Despite being all but certain they were destined to succeed, Allaah, the Majestic thwarted their efforts, which were built upon corruption and every low-life form of evil combined. By the grace of Allaah, as many of you may be aware, TROID (The Reign of Islamic Da'wah) is doing well. Masjid al-Furqaan is active. All the regular activities such as the five daily prayers, salaatul-jumu'ah, lessons, classes etc. have continued and expanded.

The fitnah our community faced ended up being something beneficial for it exposed those who had a disease in their hearts, people who were mixing amongst the jama'aah, (fake) smiling with their brothers, whilst plotting behind their backs, this fitnah bound the salafees together more closely in defence of this blessed da'wah.

From the activities over the past year:

www.troid.ca - redesigned and vastly improved, updated more often, in fact more than even before!
www.troid.ca/store - redeveloped, relaunched, improved, more new surprises coming soon in shaa' Allaah
Muslim Inmate Assistance Programme - launched recently and thriving maa shaa' Allaah
Umrah with the Scholars - great success last Spring - Connected Canadians to the Salafee Mashaayikh (life-changing exp.)
Seminars - visits from Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem and Abu Iyaad, also Hasan as-Sumaalee as well as other brothers in the Da'wah
Classes - Abu Iyaad and Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa both held lessons throughout last winter/spring (i.e. Kitaab at-Towheed series, online free)

All other facets of the Centre, including youth counselling, marriage services etc. are all functional and improving in shaa' Allaah. In fact Ramadaan was a blessed month at the Masjid, perhaps the most enjoyable and beneficial to date.

We thank Allaah for this trial and the good that emerged thereafter, and we ask Allaah to bless the community in Toronto, and to hold high the banner of this blessed da'wah. You can always stay up to date with us by checking/following the accounts/sites below. May Allaah reward you all generously for your kind thoughts and help.