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View Full Version : Manchester Salafi School Fun Day - Sun 22nd Jun 2014 - All Welcome

06-07-2014, 07:46 PM

As-salāmu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuhu.

Great news! For the children's end of term treat, we have been offered (may Allah reward the brothers) some grounds on which to hold a fun day for all the kids! Please see the poster below and the details for the day below.

We have decided to open this up therefore for everyone inshaa'Allah. We will have lots of different activites, stalls, food and competitions such as Archery and Badminton ont he day itself.

PLEASE NOTE: The day starts at 11:30 for anyone who is NOT in the school. Before this time the children from the Saturday School will receive their exam results, certificates, prizes and treats for the work they have put in- May Allah reward and increase them in khair.

Further details can be found here (http://salafischool.co/2014/05/31/salafi-school-kids-summer-fun-day-sunday-22nd-june-end-of-term/)