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View Full Version : Shaykh Rabee Defends Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee and Shaykh Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree

06-11-2011, 10:59 AM
Original post is here (http://www.sahab.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=121189) and the audio can be heard here (http://www.archive.org/details/Adh_dhab_an_ibnHadi_wal_bukhari).

يقول هذا:
إنه يوجد من الناس من يتكلم في الشيخ محمد بن هادي والشيخ عبد الله البخاري، هذا الشيء ما هو خاص بالشيخ محمد بن هادي، ولا بالشيخ البخاري، تكلم الناس في الأنبياء -عليهم الصلاة والسلام-، رموهم بالسحر، والكهانة، والكذب، و...، و...، إلى آخره، بارك الله فيكم، وحاربوا أئمة الإسلام والسنة بهذا التقبيح، فهذه سنة الله، هذه سنة الله في عباده: أن من سلك طريق الحق وسلك الصراط المستقيم لا بد له من الأعداء، والشيطان يَؤُزُّ هؤلاء أزّاً ويدعوهم إلى محاربة الحق وأهله، وما ترتفع درجات هؤلاء إلا بصبرهم على الأذى، الرسل أوذوا،

قالوا: {إِنْ أَنْتُمْ إِلَّا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُنَا}،

قالوا: {إِنْ نَحْنُ إِلَّا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُكُمْ وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَمُنُّ عَلَى مَنْ يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ}،

{وَلَنَصْبِرَنَّ عَلَى مَا آذَيْتُمُونَا وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُتَوَكِّلُونَ}،

فنالوا على محمد هادي، وغيره، والبخاري، وربيع، وغيرهم، الناس يتكلمون فيهم بالباطل والظلم والافتراء، بارك الله فيكم، ما تركوا أحمد بن حنبل، ولا ابن تيمية، ولا ابن عبد الوهاب، وغيرهم، وغيرهم، وغيرهم من أئمة الإسلام، ما سلموا من الكلام، كيف أنتم تجهلون هذا حتى تسألوا هذا السؤال؟! بارك الله فيكم، فنحن ننصح هؤلاء الذين يتكلمون في فلان، وفلان، وفلان، وفلان أن يتقوا الله في أنفسهم، هؤلاء الذين يطعنون في محمد هادي والبخاري يدّعون السلفية، يدّعون السلفية، ويطعنون في ربيع أيضاً، يدّعون السلفية وهم حَرْب -والله- على السلفية، وعلى أصولها، وعلى منهجها، ويتسترون بالسلفية ليتمكنوا من تضليل عباد الله -تبارك وتعالى- وصدهم عن صراط الله المستقيم، نسأل الله أن يهديهم أو يرد كيدهم في نحورهم ويدفع كيدهم عن الحق وأهله

06-11-2011, 08:53 PM
In The Name Of Allaah, The Most Merciful The Bestower Of Mercy

He says this:

Indeed, there is to be found amongst the people some who speak ill of Shaikh Muhammad Bin Haadee and Shaikh Abdullaah Bukhaaree.

This is something that is not specific to Shaikh Muhammad Bin Haadee nor Shaikh Abdullaah Bukhaaree, the people spoke against the Prophets (alayhimus-salaatu-wassalaam); they accused them of Majic, soothsaying and lying etc. etc. Baarakallaahu Feekum - and they waged war against the Imaams of the Sunnah with this ugliness.

This is the Sunnah of Allaah with His slaves - indeed the one who follows the path of truth and the one who follows the straight path must have enemies. The devils push these ones (i.e. those who attack the people of truth) to do evil and call them to wage war against the truth and its people. The statuses of these ones (i.e. those attacked) is not raised except (through) patience upon (receiving) harm.

The Messengers were harmed and they (i.e. those who harmed them) said: ''You are no more than human beings like us!'' They (i.e. Messengers) said: ''We are no more than human beings like you, but Allaah bestows His Grace to whom He wills of His slaves.'', ''And we shall certainly bear with patience all the hurt you may cause us.''

So they bring harm upon Muhammad Bin Haadee and other than him, and to Bukhaaree, and to Rabee and other than them. The people speak ill of them with falsehood, oppression and fabrication. Baarakallaahu feekum, they did not leave Ahmad Bin Hanbal, nor Ibn Taymiyyah, nor Ibn Abdul Wahhaab and other than them - and other than them amongst the Imaams of Islaam. They were not saved from being spoken against. How are you (people) ignorant of this so as to ask this question?

Baaarakallaahu Feekum, we advise those who speak ill of so and so, and so and so, and so and so, and so and so—that they fear Allaah!

Those who speak ill of Muhammad Bin Haadee and Bukhaaree claim salafiyyah, whilst, by Allaah! they wage war against Salafiyyah, its usool and its manhaj - and they hide themselves with Salafiyyah in order to be able to misguide the slaves of Allaah (tabaaraka wa ta'ala) and to hinder them from the straight path.

We ask allaah to guide them or return their plots upon them, and to repel their plots from the truth and its people.

06-12-2011, 08:53 PM

Shaikh Rabee [hafidha-hullaah] said about the two Shaikhs, Al-Luhaydaan and Al-Fawzaan:

''By Allaah, I wish to die before both of them; and by Allaah if I had a choice, I would have chosen to die before both of them.''

He [shaikh Rabee] said: ''If they die, I do not know what will become of the dunyah.''

He [shaikh rabee] said about the death of Shaikh Ghudyaan: ''It is as if a mountain collapsed''

We ask Allaah to shower His mercy upon the ulama of ahlus sunnah- those who have passed away and benefit the ummah through those who are still alive

07-06-2011, 08:23 PM
Shaikh Ubaid Bin Abdillaah al-Jaabiriy [hafidha-hullaah] stated:

''I say, Ahlus Sunnah do not pass judgement against anyone that they are upon Bidah(i.e. Tabdee), except (after) being well informed about him and thoroughly examining what he has with him--completley--and being acquainted with his manhaj-- completely--in totality and in detail''

See full article:http://www.sahab.net/home/?p=329

Translation to follow soon Inshaa-Allaah

07-23-2011, 05:48 PM
Rough Translation

The Correct Position Concerning The Differing Of The Scholars On Jarh Wat-Tadeel

Shaikh Ubaid Bin Abdillaah Al-Jaabiriy [hafidha-hullaah] replies to the questioner who stated:

If I heard the statement of a scholar on cassette or read it in a book regarding a person, that he [i.e. this person] is an innovator, (but) I did not see evidence for that from [this scholar]; is it binding upon me to be cautious of this person and to be convinced that he is an innovator or do I hold back until I find evidence of that?

Shaikh Ubaid replied:

I say, Ahlus Sunnah do not pass judgement against anyone that they are upon Bidah, except (after) being well informed of him and thoroughly examine what he has with him- completely, and being acquainted with his manhaj completely, in totality and in detail. And from this angle, this affair brings two positions to us:

The First Position:

[It is with regards] to the one whom a scholar or scholars have passed a judgement against that he is an innovator, and other [scholars like them from Ahlus Sunnah] did not differ with them. Be perspicacious, I say: others like them from Ahlus Sunnah did not differ with them concerning this [Tabdee against this person], therefore we accept their jarh and their statements [against him], and we are cautious of him as long as a Sunni Scholar passed a judgement against him and disparaged him, and the rest of the [scholars of Ahlus Sunnah of those who are contemporaries, brothers and children of this scholar] did not oppose, then [this scholar] must be agreed with; because this [Sunni Scholar] who disparaged a man has not disparaged him except with an affair that was manifest and established with him upon evidence. This is from the Religion of Allaah, and the one who disparages or commends knows that he is responsible for what he says; he gives a verdict and a judgement by way of it, and he knows that he is held accountable by Allaah [The Most High] before he is questioned by the people.

The Second Position:

If this person who was disparaged by a scholar or scholars and a judgement was passed against him which necessitates dropping him and being cautious of him; (but then) others opposed (these scholars) and gave a verdict of praise of him and that he is upon the Sunnah or other than that of rulings that are in opposition to the disparagement of the (first scholar or scholars), then as long as these (scholars) and those (scholars) are upon the sunnah and are people of trustworthiness amongst themselves, and are people of uprightness with us, then in this situation we look into the evidence and that is why is it said: ''The one who knows is a proof against the one who knows not.''

The one who disparaged someone amongst the people saying that he is an innovator and a deviant (and) brought evidence from the books of the one disparaged or from his audio tapes or from a trustworthy narrator, then it is incumbent upon us to agree with him and abandon the [praises] of those who opposed those who [disparaged this person]; because those who disparaged [this person] came with evidences that are hidden from the others due to a reason amongst reasons, or that the one who praises neither read nor heard from the one who disparaged [this person], rather he based [his judgement] upon what he knew about [the disparaged person] and that he was upon the Sunnah. Therefore, this disparaged person upon whom the evidence is established is [truly a disparaged one] and the proof is with the one who established the proofs.

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah

10-14-2011, 07:41 PM
The Difference between Jarh and Nush

Imaam Muqbil Bin Haadee Al-Waadi-ee (rahimahullaah) was asked: ''what is the difference between Jarh and Naseehah?''

So he (rahimahullaah) replied: The difference between Jarh and Nush is that Naseehah can be (given) in secret between the adviser and the advised, and it takes place with gentleness and mildness; ‘’and speak to him mildly, perhaps he may accept admonition or fear (Allaah).’’ [Taahaa Ayah 44]

As for Jarh, it can be written in books and mentioned in gatherings, and our predecessor scholars combined between this and that (i.e. Jarh and Naseehah). Imaam Adh-Dhahabee (rahimahullaah) said: ‘’Ratanun, (i.e. referring to Ibn Kirbaan Ibn Ratanin Al-Bat-randiy) and what will make you know who Ratanun is? He is a liar from the liars; he claimed suhbah (i.e. that he was a companion of the Prophet) after six hundred years.’’ Abu Haneefah (rahimahullaah) said about Jaabir Al-Ju’fiy, ‘’I have not seen a greater liar than him.’’

Shaikh Muqbil was also asked: ‘’Is everyone who errs mentioned with the principle of Jarh and Tadeel or is there detailed explanation in the affair; some of them are disparaged and others are advice?’’


To proceed: The Ulamaa and before them the Sahaabah erred; Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) has mentioned some this in his book (Raf-ul Malaam Anil A-immatul A’laam) and he mentioned a mistake or mistakes of Abu Bakr.

The Incident:

Abu Bakr (radiyallaahu-anhu) said: ‘’O Messenger of Allaah! Appoint such and such as Amir.’’ Umar said: ‘’O Messenger of Allaah! Appoint such and such as Amir (i.e. another man other than the one suggested by AbuBakr). So AbuBakr said to Umar: ‘’You did not wish except to oppose me.’’ Umar said: ‘’I did not wish to oppose you.’’ Their voices were raised (whilst they spoke in the presence of the Messenger), so Allaah (Subhaanahu-Wata-Aalaa) revealed the (ayah): ‘’O you who believe! Make not (a decision) in advance before Allaah and His Messenger, and fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is All-Hearing, All Knowing. O you who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him in talk as you speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds should be rendered fruitless while you perceive not.’’ [Al-Hujuraat: Ayaat: 1-2]

Likewise, is the statement of Allaah: ‘’Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord and follow not any Awliyaa (protectors and helpers) besides Him.’’ (Araaf: Ayah:3]

However, this mistake is not in Aqeedah. The scholar has good deeds and indeed (his goods deeds) outweigh in comparison to (his) mistake/s.

Who is it that never erred and who is it that only has good deeds?

The ulama (rahimahumullaah) have made mistakes, such as in Al-Mahallee of Abee Muhammad Bin Hazm and in his book Ihkaam Al-Ahkaam and in Nayl al-Awtaar of Ash-Shawkaanee, but these (mistakes) are outweighed in comparison to that which (these scholars) have of virtue. As for mistakes in Aqeedah or lies against the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam), indeed the scholars make it clear and give severe warning against it.

As for the affair of advice to the one who has erred, this is an important affair. In (Bukhaari and Muslim) from Jareer Bin Abdillaah al-Bajalee (radiyallaahu-anhu) who said: ‘’we gave the oath of allegiance to the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) that we will listen and obey, establish the prayer, and give the zakaah and give advice to every Muslim.’’ And in saheeh Muslim Tameem Ad-Daaree (radiyallaahu-anhu) narrated that the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: ‘’Indeed, the religion is sincere advice.’’ Rather Allaah has stated about some of His Prophets that they said (to their people): ‘’and I give sincere advice to you’’ [A’raaf: Ayah: 62]

The scholars have not ceased to advice one another and give clarifications on mistakes, alongside that which the scholar has of virtue. If this (advice) is needed, then there is no harm in that and Allaah’s Aid is sought.

[1]Source: Ithaaf al-khaleel Biman Takallamah Feehim Al-Imaam Al-Waadi-ee (rahimahullaah) Min Ar-Ruwaat Bi-Jarhi Aw Tadeel: page:56]