11-24-2012, 04:26 AM
Bismillaah wal-hamdulillaah was-salaatu was-salaam 'alaa rasoolillaah
As Salaamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu
Can someone post Authentic material with reference explaining step by step the details on how to wash the Dead Body of the deceased along with the exact method of carrying out the Funeral Prayer(du'aa etc)
Jazaakumullahu Khairan
12-28-2012, 01:02 AM
Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Wa 'alaykum u salam wa rahmatullaahi wa baarakatu, ya akhee,
In Shaikh Ibn Baaz's highly beneficial book (second edition, translated) "Explanation of Important Lessons (for every Muslim)," the last (18th) chapter is a tremendously detailed 36-page chapter on this very subject. May Allaah have mercy on Shaikh Ibn Baaz.
If you don't have the book already, below are two authentic on-line purchasing options depending on which side of the Atlantic Ocean you live:
Troid ( -----> (
SPUBS (> (
Al-Hamdulillaah. Wa Jazzak Allaahu khairan.
12-28-2012, 06:31 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Washing and Shrouding of the Dead.
Information taken from Book Funeral Regulations and Exhortations:
(Details in Chapters 5 and 6 with proofs from the Sunnah)
Link on Salafibookstore:
Information summarised and collated by Umm Abdur Rahmaan Saleha [31.7.2004]
(Italics not part of the book)
General Washing and Shrouding Instructions.
(Pgs. 97-134)
1. To wash an odd number of times 3, 5, 7, or more times if necessary.
2. To hasten to wash the body.
3. To use water and mix (ground leaves of) lotus/ sidr.
4. To wash the right side, and then the places of wudu. Then the left side.
5. To use camphor in the final wash.
6. To untie the hair (of a women), wash it, comb it, and divide into three plaits (two sides and the centre), and arrange it at the back of the head.
7. To shroud the body in odd number of (three) plain / stripped cotton sheets
8. To perfume the shroud with incense an odd number of times, three or more before wrapping the body.
Washing Supplies needed
1. Three or more buckets of water.
2. Cup for pouring.
3. Tissues/ cotton etc.
4. Two sheets large enough to cover the body and towel.
5. Ground lotus leaves/ soap/ shampoo for washing.
6. Sponge/ rough piece of cloth for scrubbing.
7. camphor or perfume.
8. Scissors for cutting clothes off.
9. Comb.
10. Gloves.
Washing Sequence.
1. Carefully lay the deceased on his/her back on a washing table. In a private place.
2. Cover the deceased awrah with towel or sheet.
3. Undress the deceased cutting whatever is not easy to slide off.
4. Remove any jewellery, if fingers are swollen use soap to help remove rings.
In this and all subsequent steps, the awrah must remain covered by sheet.
5. Slightly move the limbs to loosen the joints, if that is found necessary for the washing and
shrouding. Only a slight pressure may be applied to the abdomen to expel any excrement that
are close to exiting.
6. Wash the deceased private parts very well, removing all dirt and excrements. If that does not stop
after several washes cotton or cloth may be used to stop it.
7. Untie any tied or braided hair. [I]Wash hair.
8. Turning the deceased on the left side, use pure water to wash the right side.
Starting with the head, then arm, then foot, then the rest of the right side.
As much as possible the water should reach all parts of the body.
9. Turning the deceased on the right side, use pure water to wash the left side.
Starting with the head, then arm, then foot, then the rest of the left side.
As much as possible the water should reach all parts of the body.
10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 one or more times if needed.
11. Using water lotus / soap water mixture, wash the body as in step 8 and 9.
12. If needed, wash the body with pure water as in step 8 and 9 to remove the soap.
13. Conclude the final wash with the water- camphor mixture following the order of steps in 8 and 9.
14. Comb the hair. If it is long, divide into three plaits, the sides and the centre. Place the hair behind
the head.
15. Use a towel to dry the body.
16. Replace the wet sheet covering the awrah, with a dry one.
17. The body is now ready for shrouding.
Shrouding chapter six detailed proofs given on shroud.
See page 119- 134 for method and shroud dimensions.
This section is not in the book.
18. The body is moved very carefully and gently from the table on which it was being washed to a dry stretcher type table with the prepared layered shroud pieces of material (if available).
19. Alternatively, the layered pieces of shroud could be placed on a clean floor and the body lowered onto the floor very carefully and slowly.
20. Cover the body with the shroud. The topmost shroud piece from the layers is taken to cover the body. The right side is taken and covers the body over to the left then the left side is taken over the body to the right. When the first shroud sheet covers the body the sheet that was used to cover the body at the end of washing can be removed carefully without exposing the awrah. This is done with each separate layered piece until the body is covered by all the sheets
Lesson on Rites of Death
by Abu AbdurRahmaan Ali Filistine.
Date: 16 Jamad al Ula 1433/ 8th April 2012
Muwahhideen Publications Room. []
Brief Notes by Umm AbdurRahmaan Saleha (8.4.12)
How to perform the Janaza Prayer.
The brother Abu AbdurRahmaan explained that people do not know how to do the Janaza prayer these days.
He explained that for the Janaza prayer 4/ 5/ or 9 takbirat can be said.
That according to Shaikh al Albani that hands are only raised in the first takbir for Salatul Eid and Salatul Janaza.So the person places hands on the chest during the prayer.
Steps to be followed.
1. First takbir said. (#1)
2. Surah al Fatiha read + another surah.
3. Second takbir said. (#2)
4. Then recite salah Ibrahim and Muhammed (SalAllaahu alayhi wasalam)
5. Next takbir (#3)
6. Dua for the person who has died from the Sunnah.
7. Next takbir (#4)
8. Make dua for a long time [br explained people miss this out].
9. Then two taslimah – also one taslimah is fine too as that is from Sunnah.
Br explained that if a person continues to do more takbirs up to 9 then between each takbir is dua.
Another Sunnah is that a person should say the taslimah silently to themselves.
*Husnal Muslim section on Supplication for the deceased at the funeral prayer.
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