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05-21-2012, 10:43 AM
وَأَمَّا بِنِعْمَةِ رَبِّكَ فَحَدِّثْ 93:11
وَمَا بِكُم مِّن نِّعْمَةٍ فَمِنَ اللّهِ16:53
وَإِن تَعُدُّواْ نِعْمَةَ اللّهِ لاَ تُحْصُوهَا إِنَّ اللّهَ لَغَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ16:18
We praise Allaah the Mighty and Majestic, for His innumerable blessings which He continues to shower upon His servants. May the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon our noble Messenger, Muhammad bin Abdillaah, his family and all of his companions.
Our Rabb, Allaah, ar-Ra’oof, ar-Raheem, has allowed us to complete another Umrah tour and lecture series with our beloved scholars in al Madinah.
As our noble brother Abu Hakeem Bilaal bin Ahmad expressed in his post (1), This Five Pillars Umrah Tour was one of the most heart softening and beneficial ever, wa-lillaahilhamd
لا يشكر الله من لا يشكر الناس
After thanking Allaah the Most High, we thank our Scholars, in particular Shaykh Ubayd ibn Abdillaah al Jaabiree, who organised our lecture series and helped arrange the event. We also thank Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al Madkhali, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab al ‘Aqeel and Shaykh Abdullaah bin Abdir Raheem al Bukhari, May Allaah preserve them all, for their time and efforts in disseminating knowledge.
I likewise thank my brothers, Abu Hakeem and Abu Khadeejah for their time, effort and concern for the people.
This year’s Umrah and Conference series had a unique feel to it, due to the vast array of attendees from various locations; all uniting for the sake of Allaah, to worship Him and to seek knowledge from our noble scholars. From those that attended, we had families from: The UK, USA, Canada, Singapore, Maldives, UAE, India, Holland..
I would personally like to thank all those brothers who helped arrange and cooperated with ourselves to make this event possible, we were truly humbled by the time and effort put in by our brothers from around the world, may Allaah increase them all in goodness. From Canada, our brothers Umar and Ahmad ( From the US, our brother Eesaa Underdue (Germantown Masjid), Rasheed Barbee. From Singapore, our brother Ali bin Hassan. From UAE, our brothers Ilyas and Ifran. From Holland, our brother Marwaan. From the Maldives, our brother Muhaz. These brothers showed a real zeal in wanting good for their respected communities, may Allaah protect them.
From those brothers that aided us within Saudi Arabia, I would like to thank our noble brothers, Abu Abdillaah Bilaal, Abu Abdir Rahmaan Uways, Abdulillah Lahmami, Samir Debbazi, Abdul Mateen, Faisal Rawn, may Allaah bless them all.
A glimpse at the two weeks...
- The Five Pillars UK group met at London Heathrow, we arranged a coach with our Birmingham group members. We all met up at Heathrow, Checked in, and travelled direct to Jeddah via British Airways.
- Jeddah: we boarded our air conditioned coaches that were awaiting our arrival.
- Makkah: We all settled in to our pre arranged rooms. Abu Hakeem and Abu Khadeejah accompanied two groups for the performance of Umrah, this is an immense help for those who require assistance/guidance. Our brothers explain the rights and regulations of Umrah with detailed proofs from the Book and Sunnah.
- Makkah: The next five joyous days were spent in and around the Masjid al Haram. Our group were a joy to be around, may Allaah protect them all, they all seemed eager to benefit from the time; both in worship and seeking knowledge. Even when we’d get together at the buffet breakfast, we’d benefit from our brothers Abu Iyaad, Abu Hakeem and Abu Khadeejah Haafidhahumullaah.
- Some of our brothers arrived from al Madinah to spend time with our group.
- We would meet brothers from other countries who had arrived to join the Five Pillars seminar. All praise is due to Allaah, we met many Salafis from around the world, and benefited much regarding the various communities worldwide. We got to speak to many of the brothers from Canada (including Muhammad and Munib! Pleasant young brothers mashaa Allaah), and the US (brothers such as our elder Taalib Abdullaah haafidhahullaah), also spent some time with our brothers from Singapore.
- Abu Khadeejah met with Shaykh Rabee’ and agreed for our group to meet the Shaykh, as we do most years, however Shaykh Rabee’ became unwell and cancelled his weekly class as well as our gathering. We ask Allaah to cure the Shaykh and preserve his health. We found great hospitality and kindness (as always) from our brother Abu Zeiad Khalid Bagais haafidhahullaah (
- We arranged a day out for the group and a coach was arranged to facilitate this.
- Some of us were able to attend the class of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Aadam al Eithiopee haafidhahullaah at his Masjid, along with Bilaal Hussain and our brother Zia. Also I thank our brother Naveed Shakeer from Florida, a student at Ummul Qura University, who allowed me to attend his Tareekh class with Shaykh Muhammad bin Rabee’ at the University.
We head to al Madinah:
- We boarded our coaches and headed to al Madinah. As usual, our brother Abu Hakeem delivered a lecture (on the coach) regarding the journey we were embarking upon, the path to al Madinah. He spoke in depth regarding the Hijrah of Allaah’s Messenger Salallaahu alayhi wa Salam. And likewise, upon approaching al Madinah, he spoke regarding the virtues of this blessed city.
- As in Makkaah, once we arrived in al-Madinah, we checked in to our lovely hotel, then made our way to the Prophet’s Masjid.
- The following morning saw the start of our Lecture series. All our guests arrived at the Five Pillars conference room. Our noble Shaykh, Ubayd al Jaabiree had arranged for every participant to have a book containing the texts of lectures at hand. He had chosen 2 subjects to teach, 1- Aqeedahtul Raziyyain 2-Kitaabun Nikaah min Umdatil Ahkaam. Our Shaykh always shows great concern for the people, may Allaah preserve him.
- Shaykh Ubayd also announced that he will visit SalafiPublications in September this year, Inshaa Allaah.
- The following days were filled will great benefits and heart warming sittings with the mashaykh of al Madinah and students of knowledge from the west. From those who lectured at our hotel conference facilities, Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee haafidhahullaah, our shaykh delivered an amazing talk regarding the Muslims being as a single body, may Allaah protect him from the plans of the plotters, we are living in a time wherein you may get threatened with court action for speaking the truth, and our Shaykh has been at the forefront of defending this blessed methodology for decades, haafidhahullaah.
- Shaykh Abdullaah Bukhaari haafidhahullaah delivered a sharp reminder around the hadith (2):
من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر ، فليقل خيرا أو ليصمت
- Our Shaykh, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab al Aqeel haafidhahullaah spoke around the Hadeeth (3) :
من يرد الله به خيرا يفقهه في الدين
The lessons were conducted from 10am until Salaatul Dhuhr, then after Salaatul ‘Asr, all of them were well attended mashaa Allaah. May Allaah preserve our mashaykh, those who have so much concern for our communities, always advising and guiding towards righteousness and piety.
Whilst in al-Madinah, we also arranged several activities for the group:
White Mountains: We arranged coaches and gathered at the white mountains, for an evening of relaxation and meeting our companions from around the world. Food was arranged and brought with the help of our brothers in al Madinah. Abu Hakeem delivered a touching talk regarding the blessings we have and the unity of Ahlus Sunnah. This was a very special evening, attended by all of the Five Pillars worldwide group, also, many brothers from around the various cities within Saudi Arabia, brothers like Saadiq and his companion Abdul Hakeem from Dammam and Abu Ubaidah from Unaizah, Abul Hasan, Abdul Walee, Abu Abdil Ghafoor, all from Riyaadh, Umar and Abdullaah from Madinah, and many students from the Islamic University of Madinah.
Over the next few days some of the group went to apply at the Islamic University of Madinah, may Allaah grant them success. We arranged groups to visit the thowb tailors, sisters went jilbaab shopping. Some of the brothers went for hijaamah, brothers also went swimming. Book shopping trips were arranged for both brothers and sisters. All in all, it was an amazing couple of weeks, a blessing from the blessings of Allaah. May Allaah reward all those involved immensely, indeed we found our group members to be a pleasant people, patient and always striving to benefit, may Allaah preserve them all.
(2): Sahih al Bukhari: Kitaab al-Adab and Sahih Muslim: Kitaabul Imaan
(3): Agreed upon
Five Pillars Tours Website (
05-22-2012, 12:08 AM
Indeed all praise is for Allah, we praise Him and we seek His help and forgiveness. I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His final Messenger. To proceed:-
The Messenger of Allah stated, "One Umrah is a expiation for the sins commtted between it and another Umrah". (Bukharee and Muslim)
This hadeeth implies firstly if one performs Umrah according to the Quran and Sunnah it will be a means for your sins to be forgiven if Allah wills and secondly it is a act of worship that can be done multiple times. By Allah there wasn't a brother that i spoke to except that they gave me glad tidings about this past trip and their intent to return next year insha Allah. I would like to also thank my beloved brothers from SPUBS for opening the door for us here in the U.S to travel with them to KSA. I would like thank my dear brothers from the U.K, Abu Khadijah, Abu Hakeem and Abu Maryam. I would also like to give a special thanks to my brothers Isa Underdue and Rasheed Barbee for looking over my group from Philadelphia when it was clear that I wouldnt be able to travel. I can only pray that our Lord the Most High will allow me back next year to His holy house.
Love for Ahlus Sunnah wa Hadeeth,
Aboo Zaahid Jalil Meekins
Phila., P.A. (Germantown)
05-22-2012, 10:53 AM
Assalaamu alaikum Warahmatullah Wa Barakathu.
Al-Hamdulillaah wa salaatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah.
Amma ba'd
The Five Pillars Umrah tour was a truly beneficial event in all aspects. All Maldivian brothers noted the precious work of Five Pillars Umrah team in arranging meetings with the mashaaykh of Saudi Arabia; which is usually an almost impossible task for many of our brothers. In addition, having on the spot interpretation was priceless.
The opportunity to meet with our salafi brothers from across the world was also joyous occasion and a chance to reflect upon the blessings that Allaah has bestowed upon the Salafi community. The gathering at White Mountains and the heart touching naseeha by our noble brother Abu Hakeem, was indeed a once in a life time experience; a delightful story to be shared with our brothers back at home. The visit to the swimming pool was of particular interest to us from small islands; perhaps next time our brothers Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem, Abu Maryam and Abu Iyaad would join.
We thank Allaah Almighty first and foremost. Our deep appreciation and gratitude to our beloved scholars Shaykh Ubayd ibn Abdillaah al Jaabiree, Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al Madkhali, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab al ‘Aqeel and Shaykh Abdullaah bin Abdir Raheem al Bukhari (may Allaah preserve them) also may Allah Preserver our Noble Shaykh Rabee.
Our love and a special thank you go to our brothers Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem, Abu Maryam, Abu Iyaad, Abdulillah Lahmami and the many others in the team.
Many of our brothers and sisters are looking forward to join the Five Pillars Umrah 2013. Insha Allaah, we would have a bigger contingent for the coming year. We, at Maktaba Imam Laalikaa’ee, are receiving much interest and inquiries for the Five Pillars Umrah tour of 2013.
To facilitate coordination, we have also created a twitter account @fivepillarsmv
BaarakAllaahu feekum
Maktaba Imaam Laalikaa’ee,
05-22-2012, 11:59 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه وبعد
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
I will start with this beautiful statement from our Noble Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
لا يشكر الله من لا يشكر الناس
So first of all I thank all Mashaykh of Medinah like Shaykh Ubayd ibn Abdillaah al Jaabiree, Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al Madkhali, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab al ‘Aqeel and Shaykh Abdullaah bin Abdir Raheem al Bukhari (may Allaah preserve them) for their time that they gave us in delivering lectures.
I also thank Abu Maryam, Abu Hakeem, Abu Khadeejah, Abu Iyyad, Abdulillah Lahmami and others (the list is very large) for their help and support during this Five Pilars Umrah 2012, their accompaniment have been excellent.
The Umrah was excellent and unforgettable, I enjoyed every single second of this trip which was well organised and very beneficial. We have been able to concentrate on 'ibaadah and seeking knowledge (which is an 'ibaadah itself) wa lillahi al hamd.
We can not really understand what is the ni'amah of the Scholars before meeting them. Sitting at their feet is more valuable than gold and silver. Wa Allahi being on front of our Mashaykh increase considerably our love for them.
Unfortunately one of my biggest regret is to not have been able to meet our Noble Shaykh Rabee' (hafidhahullah). May Allah 3azzawajal cure him and give him good health. Ameen
Outside the conference, I have been able to sit at Shaykh AbdulMuhsin Al 'Abbad, Shaykh AbdulRazzaq Al badr, Shaykh Yahya al Hindi (hafidhahumullah) classes wa lillahi al hamd, and I benefited a lot in term of behaviour and knowledge.
I liked our visit of the White Mountains where people were competing in climbing the mountains. We have sat and benefit from brothers around the world. Phildelphia, Maldives, Singapore, Miami, UK,... I have a special thank for our brother Ahmad Abu Anissa from Philadephia. And the talk of Abu Hakeem was tremendous, I advise every body to listen it.
I also appreciate my meeting with two Somalians brothers (Abu Ubaidah and Abu Suffyan) from Toronto who were constantly seeking knowledge from our Mashaykh, may Allah 3azzawajal preserve them.
I met Hassan Saeed from Wales with who I made my 'Umrah (with the help of our beloved brother Abu Maryam), he is very nice brother.
We went with our teacher, Abu Hakeem to mektabah for buying some books, this was an excellent and beneficial evening too.
There is so many situation which I could describe, however it will be too long to explain I prefer let you make your own experience in participating to the Five Pillar Umrah 2013.
I can not finish without thanking my beloved brothers from Maldives. There is no word to describe my joy to share this trip with them. I strongly advise every salafis in visiting our brothers in Maldives for the Sake of Allah as I have learnt a lot from their behaviours and mannerisms. If only we have the same akhlaaq and attachement for the Sunnah as them, our brotherhood will have been stronger. Muhaz, Ahmad, Abuu, Isma'il and Ibrahim by Allah I love you for the Sake of Allah.
Finally, I thank my companion Chaher Abu Abdilqayyum with who I spent time in making tawaf, spending all night in the haram, visiting the Mashaykh,...
I strongly advise EVERYBODY in participating to the next Umrah, the organizers have made this trip easy wa lillahi al hamd, you can set up a payment plan and pay £100 a month. Do not miss this opportunity ikhwan, the companionship of the 'Ulemma is invaluable.
May Allah accept this from us and give us the opportunity to go back next year. Allahumma Ameen
عبد الحليم أبو أبي بكر
05-23-2012, 02:55 AM
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakathu Ikhwaan,
All Praises is to Allaah alone who has given us an opportunity to be part of FivePillars 2012 Umrah trip, Alhamdulilaah.
On behalf of Singapore brothers, we would like to thank Abu Mayram, Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem and Abu Iyaad for their precious afford in making these arrangements. It has given us an opportunity to sit with Mashaakyh and benefit from them, may Allaah reward all of them with goodness in this world and Hereafter, Aameen.
We would also like to express our gratitude to the Mashaakyh of Al-Medinah for their time and afford, may Allaah the Most High preserve them, Aameen.
May Allaah preserve Shakyh Rabee so that we can benefit from him in years to come, inshaallaah.
Three bros from Singapore joined this year’s trip. We started our journey by going to Kuwait before coming for Umrah. Alhamdulilah we managed to get private sitting with Shakyh Al-Anjaree. We also had 2 days sitting with Shakyh Zaid Al-Dosari. The Shakyh completed Usoolus Sunnah of Imam Humaydee translated by Abu Sufyaan Uthmaan Beecher, Jazakaallahu khairan.
The FivePillars Umrah is an unique trip. This year I met more Salafi brothers from other part of the world and manage to exchange contacts. Whenever I bump into someone at the lobby or café or at the Haram it just increase the brotherhood feeling for each other.
Lunching with Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem and Abdulilah was something unforgettable. A private dinner with Abu Iyaad was something beneficial indeed.
This year’s arrangement was definitely better. We had a very good meeting room to conduct all the lectures, Alhamdulilaah.
Once again Jazakaallahu Khairan to Bro Abu Maryam for his good co-operation.
May Allaah gives us an opportunity to be part of 2013 FivePillars Umrah trip, inshaallaah
Ali Hassan (Singapore)
05-24-2012, 01:44 PM
On behalf of our youngest traveller, 17yrs old.
Salaamu Alaykum Warahmatu-llaahi Wa Barakaatu
My Umraah experience with Five Pillars, Troid and the Salafiyuun all over the world was an experience which words cannot explain, it was also my first Umraah experience and I thank and praise Allaah firstly for giving me the chance to go to Umraah and making easy for me what many save up their whole life for.
We arrived at jeddah 9:30pm and we took a bus to Mekkah, we arrived in mekkah on the iqaama of Fajr and I couldn't believe I was in mekkah antill I seen the ka'bah, and what a beautiful sight it was, there it was more then a 100 000 people in one place for the purpose of worship, we made our Umraah alhamdulilaah and went back to the hotel which was litteraly a 3 minute walk from the haram.
The hotel in Mekkah was great, we met a lot of brothers over there in mekkah aswell, we also had the chance to visit Shaykh Rabee's house on a friday which the shaykh was suppose to give a public class, while sitting with the congregation waiting for the Shaykh to come down to give the dars I was thinking about all the things which the Shaykh hafithuhullaah did for this Ummaah, from clarifying the mistakes of Sayid Qutub to going to Jihaad when the Jihaad was pure in Afghanistan, but Qadar Allaah wa Maa Shaa a Fa'al, it was announced that the Shaykh was Sick and he was sending his salaams to us all, that was the saddest part of the trip for me but Wa lilaahil hamd everything else went according to plan and Allaah is the best of planners. We also went to Masjid Subayyl, it is the Masjid where Shaykh Muhammad Bazmuul teaches his classes and after praying magrib there we seen a little child possibly the age of 5 or 6 come in the masjid kiss one of the elderly brothers who was sitting in a chair on the forehead and hand and led him out the masjid, that was a beautiful sight, only in saudia you see this stuff May Allaah bless the land of tawheed (Saudi Arabia).
We went to Medinah al Munawarrah, the blessed city of the Messenger of Allaah (salalaahu alayhi wa Salam). When in Medinah you will feel something you can't explain, its so calm and peaceful and the people are much more kind and thoughtful. We went to the haram and visited the prophets, Abubaker and Umar's grave alhamdulilaah.
The hotel in Medinah was probably better in my opinion then the one in Mekkah, we were all together, all the Salafiyuun from philly, Canada, all over the States, UK, maldives, UAE, Singapore and much more where in the Same hotel and we had much more contact with each other alhamdulilaah.
After the Umraah the best part of the Trip was the Scholars! The likes of Shaykh Ubaid ibn Abdillaah al Jaabiree, Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadee al Madkhalee, Shaykh Abdullaah Bukhari, Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdulwahaab al Aqeel, Shaykh AbdulMuhsin al Abbad, Shaykh Abdurahman ajlaan hafithuhumu-llaah. Once you See the Scholars you will know who is a Scholar and who is not, when you see the Ulemaa your love for them will increase and you will love them maybe more then there own children Wa lilaahil Hamd.
Upon the final day when we had to leave it was hard getting on the buss it was hard packing up it was hard leaving the blessed city especially with the thought that I was going back to the lands of kufur and fusuuq, it was the best trip I've ever been in on,
I encourage every brother to go if he is able and bring along a sister which you are a mahram for, and prepare for the best trip ever, May Allaah bless the brothers who organized this and contributed in making this Dawrah trip successful and May Allaah bless the salafiyuun around the world and keep them steadfast upon the Salafi Minhaj
Wa Allaahu A'alaa Wa A'alam
Abu 'Ubaidah Muneeb aSomaalee
05-24-2012, 02:58 PM
Feedback from another Canadian
Ponder on the fact that there are tens of millions of muslims all over the world, how many get to make hajj and/or umrah?
Ponder over the limited number of salafees all over the world, how often do they get to unite? Even if just 4,6,7 or eight countries?
Now ponder over the barakah of making umrah and doing it with other salafee brothers and sisters… from the same community… what level of closeness has your friendship now reached? Now multiply that for each country that participated in this dawrah. I hope the picture is taking shape.
So umrah is finished and now we turn to encouraging each other with prayer in the masjid al-Haram, du’aa, dhikr and reading of the Qur’aan. What an environment to be in, with other salafee brothers and sisters, this really makes a HUGE difference. Staying in the masjid after fajr, reading Quran and making du’aa and dhikr until that 15mins after shurook so that you can make the extra ibaadah of salaatul Duhaa --- this was quite often the habit of many if not most of the brothers.
Then we moved from that city to that of the Madinah al-Munawwarah. On top of the favour of Allaah to have an opportunity to visit Madinah, we had the additional opportunity to take directly from one of our present day scholars – Shaykh ‘Ubayd al-Jaabiree, may Allaah preserve him. Likewise from the other shuyookh that participated. How many of us just read books by the ulemaa, listen to their lectures and so on but never get the opportunity to “see” them with our own eyes. Never mind to sit and benefit from them for several days in a row, in a program tailored specifically for you – the visitor.
By the mercy of Allaah the Five Pillars umrah organized by the brothers at SP is a serious venture that brings benefit, layer upon layer. There are so many angels one can describe as beneficial or key highlights --- from the umrah itself, to the knowledge disseminated from the shuyookh, to the countless encounters with brothers that produced those memorable moments.
On a personal note I was very pleased to meet our brothers Abu Yusuf Khalifah and Isa Underdue in a setting such as this one. I ask Allaah to put barakah in our sittings. Not to mention our elder and dear brother Taalib Abdullaah, I must say that I had never met him personally before and was more than happy to have met him and benefited from him in many ways. There were many other brothers that made this umrah a special type of gathering, many of whom were mentioned in the initial post. Some of the brothers at Umm al Qura and Medinah University took time off their schedules to visit us and facilitate different activities that also added to the special characteristics of this type of Umrah. May Allaah reward our brothers Abu Adam J. Finch and Saleem from PA for their continued efforts.
Having participated in last year’s umrah and this one I must thank the organizers for their tireless striving to make each year better than the one before, and a-hamdulillaah this year that was accomplished.
“Is there a reward for good other than good” –al-Quraan
Abu Sakeena
05-24-2012, 05:42 PM
Sisters from Toronto feedback:
As Salaamu 'Alaykum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh
All praises is due to Allaah for giving my family and I the opportunity to perform umrah together with FivePillars. It was truly a ni’mah from Allaah, that He azzawajal allowed us to travel with the salafis from all over the word, wallaahi it was beautiful seeing the unity between the brothers and sisters, unity upon the Quran and Sunnah, walhamdulilah. I would like to thank our beloved Shaykh Ubayd al Jabriee hafithahullaah, our brothers Abu Hakeem, Abu Khadeejah, Abu Iyaad and everyone else who was involved in organizing this wonderful dawrah, even if it was something as small as a supplication for us, BarakAllaahu feekum. I would also like to thank our brothers from TROID for working hard and diligently in facilitating this trip for the salafis in Canada, especially brother Ahmad for guiding us through our trip.
After performing Umrah for the first time in my life, the best part of this trip was benefiting from our ulemah in Madeenah. Sitting in the same room as the maashaayikh and hearing their speech was not only a benefit but it also increases your love and respect for them. I ask Allaah to protect and preserve Shaykh Ubayd, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Haadee, Shaykh Abdullaah Al Buhkaree and Shaykh Muhammad Aqeel. I also ask Allaah the Most High to reward them for their beneficial knowledge and time.
Alhamdulilaah it was also beautiful seeing so many salafis from different parts of the world, this helped in strengthening the ties of sisterhood/brotherhood and it causes you to reflect on the bounty of Allaah for aiding and blessing dawatus salafiyyah. I enjoyed meeting my sisters from U.K, U.S.A, and Madeenah, may Allaah bless them. By Allaah only in salafiyyah will you see pure love between one another, solely for Allaah’s sake.
With that said, I encourage everyone to participate in the next umrah/dawrah with FivePillars, may Allaah grant you success! Don’t think it is difficult, I never thought I would have this opportunity anytime soon, but alhamdulilah, Allaah has answered my prayers and made it easy for my family and I. I pray Allaah allows us to have this beautiful experience again, this time with an even larger group. Many brothers and sisters are excited about next year as well, in sha Allaah it will be a benefit for us. I pray that Allaah accepts our du’as, our prayers, ebaadah and most importantly makes us sincere in that.
Wassalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu
05-26-2012, 03:06 AM
Surely, the Praise and Thanks belong to Allah who sent His messenger (Muhammad) with The Guidance and The Religion of truth to make it superior over all other religions, even though the Polytheists may detest it.
And prayer and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, upon His Family, and all of his Companions
Wa Ba'd.
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
Al hamdulillah for Islaam wa Sunnah, and the circles of knowledge amongst Ahlu Sunnati wal Jamaa'ah, as -Salafiyoon.
What a beautiful trip it was with our brothers from FivePillars Umrah (Salafi Publications), an experience to remember, maa shaAllah the Dawrah was well organized, the lessons were properly scheduled, and on time, The environment was very comfortable one couldn't help but feel the warm presence of brotherhood, there were many brothers from different countries that attended, it was a beautiful site to see everyone come together like this, from all over the world, being different in so many ways but united upon Creed, coming together in the city of the prophet to learn that Creed at the feet of the scholars of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, truly a beautiful site,
reminds one of Yahyaa ibn Ya'mar, and Humaid ibn Abdur Rahmaan Al Humairi (may Allah Have mercy upon them), when they traveled from their land with the intent of Pilgrimage as well as seeking direction and guidance from the Kibaar, until they reached Abdullah ibn Umar and was benefited tremendously,
May Allah make us from those who have benefited, and benefit others from that which we have learned at the Dawrah, from the explanation of Aslu Deen, and Kitabu Nikah with Shaikhuna Ubaid al Jabiree, the explanation of the Hadeeth "The Muslim To A Muslim Is Like a Building….. with Shaikh Muhammad ibn Hadi, the Questions and Answers session etc.
Beautiful experience, and all the praise is for Allah, so many people anticipating next years Dawrah, I haven't had anything but positive feedback from the people that came with me, Jalil Meekins may Allah bless him for his efforts says the same.
Again, the people were very pleased with the organization, and the level of concern that the brothers put into the program,
Also going to the white mountains was a much spoke about event, the hospitality of the organizers was honorable, delicious food, and a very beautiful and comfortable atmosphere, and being there gave the people the perfect opportunity to converse with each other, and really get to know one another.
May Allah reward and bless our Mashaikh for the tremendous benefits that they have giving us throughout the trip, and in general,
May Allah bless and raise our Shaikh Ubaid al Jabiree and the brothers from Salafi Publications for organizing this Dawrah,
Allah is in the aid of the servant as long as the servant is in the aid of his brother, so may Allah aid the brothers from Salafi Publications much. for indeed they have aided us tramendously throughout the years, in regards to Da'wah, as well as being a medium in connecting the people to the Masha'ikh of Ahlus Sunnah
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
Your brother in Islam and Sunnah
Abu Aa'ishah Isa Underdue
(Philadelphia, Pa Germantown Masjid)
05-26-2012, 11:56 PM
All praise is due to Allah, and may exaltation and safety be granted to Muhammad, his family, his companions, and those who aid them. To proceed:
Recently, my brothers from Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah at Masjid as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah (Germantown Masjid) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania visited the Holy City of Makkah to perform al-'Umrah. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah exalt his mention and grant him safety, said: “...A kind word is charity..., (1) ” so, due to this hadeeth, I would like to share a kind word about them.
Masjid as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah is known to be upon the Sunnah, and what I witnessed from them on their trip was truly indicative of their love for the Sunnah and its people.
Whilst here, I saw from them love for Islam and the Prophetic Sunnah, coupled with love and respect for the scholars of the Sunnah. They were eager to listen to, benefit, and carry out their advices (2). So much so, I even watched elders from them embark on a tiring trip in the heat of Makkah to seek knowledge from the scholars. I ask Allah, the Most High, to preserve them and to keep them firm upon this goodness.
May Allah, the All-Able, aid their administrators, common folk, students of knowledge and lecturers in propagating the pure understanding of Islam (i.e. Salafiyyah). I ask Allah to protect them from all evil and to distance them from fitnah and its instigators. I also ask Allah, the Oft-Pardoning, to pardon me and them for our shortcomings and to make us better Muslims.
The same is to be said about our brothers from The United Kingdom and Canada. May Allah reward them for their efforts of propagating the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and may he reward them for their diligent efforts in connecting us to the scholars.
Finally, another reason for writing this small word was to encourage Ahlus-Sunnah, the Salafees, to support one another in statement and action, and to stand firm with each other through our trials. We are few in number, so we must stand foot-to-foot and shoulder-to-shoulder against all that comes our way.
Ponder this statement, dear Sunnee: Shaykh, Dr. Muhammad b. Haadee, may Allah preserve him, said: “Every sect, even though they carry different beliefs amongst themselves, can agree on one thing: Aggression towards the Salafees.” If this statement is understood, then the importance of sticking together is clear.
I ask Allah, the Most High, to allow this trip to be a means of strengthening the brotherhood between Ahlus-Sunnah, just as I ask Him to make it heavy on its organizers' and participants’ scales. Aameen.
(1) al-Bukhaari and Muslim
(2) Shaykh, Dr. Ahmad Baazmool, may Allah preserve him, mentioned: “Seeking and adhering to the advice and opinions of the scholars is not partisanship (i.e. hizbiyyah) nor fanaticism (i.e. ta’assub), as some people claim. Rather, it is the methodology of the Pious Predecessors, such as ‘Abdullah b. Mas’ood, to value and carry out the advice and opinions of the scholars.”
06-17-2012, 04:35 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Alhamdulillaah, although we spent just about a day with the brothers at the Five Pillars 'Umrah trip, it was still quite beneficial. We thank & appreciate the hospitality and precious advice of brothers Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem, 'Abdulilaah, Abu Maryam; 'Umar & Ahmad (from TROID); and brother Rasheed Barbee - may Allaah preserve & reward them as well as the other brothers abundantly. We particularly thank brothers Ahmad, 'Umar and Rasheed for helping bring along some very important English Salafi Books - may Allaah reward them.
Alhamdulillaah, indeed meeting with the brothers was a good reminder of the true and strong brotherhood amongst brothers upon the Sunnah & Salafiyyah despite their strangeness (amongst other groups) in these times. This was one of the issues brother Abu Hakeem - may Allaah preserve him - discussed in his brief - yet beneficial - talk during our evening at the White Mountains that weekend. A recording of the talk can be downloaded at the following link (it's not complete but I believe it's most of it):
Abu Hakeem - WhiteMtns Talk - Blessing of Sunnah.mp3 (
The talk was a reminder about the strangeness of the people of the Sunnah in these times and about the ni'mah (blessing) of being upon the Sunnah and the blessing of still having a number of scholars amongst us with an encouragement to benefit from them while they are still with us. Towards the end he brings a good benefit from ibn Taymiyyah - rahimahullaah - regarding the hadeeth where the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam mentioned:
"العلماء ورثة الأنبياء"
(Meaning: "The 'Ulemaa' are the inheritors of the Prophets").
May Allaah reward the brother.
06-20-2012, 01:22 PM
Jazaakum Allaah khairah wa baaraka Allaah feekum
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