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View Full Version : Masjid al-Rahmah - Change of Administration and Latest Bayaan

05-19-2012, 05:21 PM
This is the latest bayaan from the new administration of Masjid al-Rahmah (may Allaah aid and support them in remaining steadfast and bringing the Masjid back to what it was upon in the time of Abu Uwais rahimahullaah) and it clarifies a previous bayaan that was issued by a couple of individuals who had refused the advice of the Mashaayikh such as Shaykh Rabee', Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee and Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukharee regarding rectifying their affairs.



Note: The "second ill bayaan" being alluded to above was mass-distributed by the one called Muhammad Akhtar Chaudhury, who is an instrumental figure in the Madeenah.Com operation and whose activities are centred around undermining the Salafi maraakiz and masaajid and du'aat with lenience, co-operation and allegiance with those whom have oppositions and have been disparaged by the people of knowledge. It was sent out on his fatwa-online email list to thousands of people on 8th April 2012. We now request this deceptive and mischievous individual to likewise send out this latest bayaan to his mailing list, alongside an apology to Shaikh Rabee' and the Scholars he (and those of his ilk) blatantly disregarded.