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View Full Version : Check Out This Umrah with the Scholars! Join us!

03-21-2012, 02:15 PM

The details:

What you get:

Direct flights | Deluxe hotels close to the sacred mosques in makkah and madinah | Islamic seminars with the scholars | Air conditioned travel | Families and children welcome | Supported by the muslim scholars and students | Umrah guides | Quad triple and double rooms to choose from | Structured classes | Satisfaction is our aim!

Who helps us and supports us:

Shaikh Rabee' | Shaikh Ubaid | Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee | Shaikh Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree | Shaikh Muhammad Ramzaan | Shaikh Ahmad as-Subayee | Shaikh al-Anjaree | Shaikh Muhammad al-Aqeel | Salafi Publications, UK | Troid, Canada | Dārul-Hādīth, USA | Sunnah Publishing, USA | Masjid Ibn Abdil-Wahhāb, USA | Masjid Bayān, USA | Masjid al-Basīrah, UK | The Salafi Masjid, UK | Salafi Da’wah, Singapore | Al-Athariyyah, UK |

Organised by:

Shaikh Ubaid al-Jābiree, Abu Khadījah Abdul-Wāhid and Abu Hakīm Bilāl Davis |

Visit www.salafitalk.com for more details

Phone us today: 0754-211-0366 (Your brother Abu Maryam is there to help you)

Alhamdulillaah! The response this year has been very strong to this Umrah Tour.

However, we still have more room for those who are STILL interested. Remember, if you leave it too late, we may not able to get airline seats or Saudi Umrah visas in time for you. We need at least 3 weeks to apply for your visas and seats are getting scarce already. So 2nd April is the cut-off point for your applications. But the longer you leave it, the less likely you are to get a place on the tour.

At least twenty days before travel, you will need to give us:

1. Passport with at least 6 months remaining before it's expiry.
2. Two colour passport size photographs.
3. An ACWY vaccination certificate from your GP. You will have to book an appointment with your doctor.
4. A completed visa form that we will send to you upon receiving payment.

Please do not delay. The sooner the better. Seats are limited so do not leave your planning till the last minute!

Listen to Shaikh Ubaid encouraging people to come and attend the Dawrah from a few years ago! (http://www.salafitalk.net/st/uploads/Sh_Ubayd_5_Pillars_MP3a.mp3)

Click here to see what we did in 2009 (http://www.salafitalk.net/st/viewmessages.cfm?forum=28&topic=8602)

Was-salāmu 'alaikum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh.
Birmingham, England.

t. 0121.773.0033